Sunday, November 03, 2019

The Solution to Antifa

By Nicholas Stix

There is one, and only one, solution to Antifa. Patriots must hunt them down, and kill them, one by one. That, and only that, is what they understand. And only such acts of collective violence will awaken other patriots to act.

We’re way beyond the fine words stage. We’re even beyond the fighting words stage. Anyone who, at this late date, demands that patriots eschew violence, is a lost cause.

Note however that any Antifa blood will be on the hands, not just of their righteous killers, but on the hands of the evil political leaders and police executives who have supported the terrorists.

It may be 50 or 60, or even 70 years late, but even a Warsaw uprising-type of rebellion beats being led like lambs to the slaughter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of these days a these Antifa bad guys and girls is going to mess with the wrong whitey man. A whitey man with concealed carry. A white man minding his own business but to save his own life will open fire and kill a number of the bad boys and girls. Retaliation will follow retaliation. Then all bets are off.