Monday, November 05, 2018

Little Johnny Jones: Big-Time Gambler Who Won on Brexit and Trump is so Confident that Polls are Wrong that He Went to London to Bet $130Gs on the Outcome

By Reader-Researcher R.C.

A big time gambler who won on Brexit and Trump is so confident that the polls are wrong and that Republicans will maintain control of the House that he has traveled to London to bet $130,000 on the outcome.

Prison Planet: "Lawyer Says Polls are Wrong, Bets $130,000 on Republicans Winning House."

Paul Joseph Watson & Robert Barnes: Polling firms still producing dodgy results to satisfy partisan media outlets.

N.S.: If this mug cleans up, it'll discredit most major polls for the foreseeable future. I can't say it'll put 'em out of business, because the leftwing MSM will still pay them good money for their lies. But the public, save for socialist and communist fanatics, will ignore them.

Jimmy Cagney Playing George M. Cohan in the Broadway Show, Little Johnny Jones, Within the Picture, Yankee Doodle Dandy (1943)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let it be so. I would say we need to hope and pray but we should not have to hope and pray.