By Pax Romana58
Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 1:56:00 P.M. EDT
Black driver says elderly married white couple ‘freaked him out,’ so he ran them over and killed them both, according to charges
A man charged with fatally striking a husband and wife in an Eagan parking lot last week told police they “freaked him out” so he deliberately drove “fast and hit them hard,” according to the criminal complaint.
Jonna Kojo Armartey, 36, formerly of Eagan, was charged Monday with two counts of SECOND-degree murder after authorities say he intentionally struck Roger and Diane Peterson.
“This was not an accident. The victims in this case appear to have been targeted by the defendant,..."
But they only charged him with Second Degree, because White Lives Really Don't Matter.
"....the reasons for [for why he did it] are unknown at this time,” said Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom, in a statement."
They know why, and so do we.
"Officials say Armartey was on probation for three other felony convictions, including vehicle theft, third-degree assault of a correctional officer and fourth-degree assault of a psychiatrist."
THREE FELONY convictions and he's walking the streets. Affirmative Action for black Criminals is a Black Privilege.
N.S.: The killer’s name sounds African, and this being Minnesota, is he a fake refugee from Somalia?
The premeditated (i.e., first-degree) murder of the Eagans was part of a robbery. Mrs. Eagan’s cellphone was found in Armartey’s van. Thus, the killer ran down his victims, hit the brakes, got out and robbed one of his dying victims of her cellphone, and sped off to celebrate at LaFonda’s Restaurant less than a mile away.
The only reason the killer was caught is because a man who heard the police call on his scanner spotted the killer’s van in La Fonda’s parking lot.
Note that the only reason that serial killers John Allen Muhammad and Boyd Malvo were caught when they were, was because a white trucker heard a description of the killers’ old Chevy Caprice on his police scanner.
Racist, black, Montgomery County (MD) police chief Charles Moose had lied to the public, telling it that the killer was a white man driving a white, box truck, had not amended his description, even after Malvo called him and spoke with him at length, and had deliberately refused to broadcast the report of the killers’ car to the public, presumably in order to aid and abet the black killers.
Some police departments have responded to the Obama/Holder/MSM-incited new explosions in violent, black crime in recent years by announcing that they will scramble police radio reports, so that civilians cannot hear them on scanners. The only possible reason for this new policy would be to aid and abet black cut-throats.
Speaking of accomplices, the national media are suppressing this story. “Roger and Diane Peterson” gets only 869 hits at Google.

War criminal Jonna Kojo Armartey
To us,he's a war criminal.To Lesta and MSM,he's a war HERO.
So freaked out was the killer he had time to steal property belonging to the victims. This bad guy is a one man killing machine and crime wave. HE NEEDS TO BE LOCKED AWAY FOREVER. Should have been long time ago.
jerry pdx
More telling is that outside of Fox only MSN covered the story, none of the other biggies felt it was newsworthy. I'm not sure that MSN even gave it top page coverage though. Plus the google search results were mostly just random news aggregators or unrelated stories with keyword hits. I spotted a NY Post mention and a few other city papers, other than that it was clearly just some local mentions.
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