"Blackish" hoaxer Sherita Dixon Cole
By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 11:42:00 P.M. EDT
Black drunk driver Sherita Dixon Cole is arrested for drunken driving, and falsely accuses white officer of sexual assault. This from the article:
Dixon-Cole alleged that after she failed a field sobriety test, Hubbard had “suggested she could go home in exchange for sexual favors,” according to Merritt’s initial press release. Dixon-Cole said that after she refused, she was taken to Hubbard’s police car where she was “forcefully groped, fondled and vaginally penetrated during a prolonged arrest.”Guess what? Cop had his body camera on the whole time and recorded nothing more than a polite and professional police officer doing his job.
She went on to say Hubbard continued his sexual advances on the way to the police station, even alleging that he offered to take her to a remote location where she could provide sexual favors in exchange for her release from custody.
Lawyer for Dixon-Cole has publicly apologized for his client, but when is the false accuser going to apologize? Maybe under threat of some kind of legal consequence for making a false claim she might say something, but without some leverage it won't happen. Racist, black hoaxers feel righteous about staging fake hate crimes, and will go to their graves unrepentant.
At Fox News.
DPS Releases Body Camera Video of Ellis County Traffic Stop and DWI Arrest - 05.20.18
Texas Department of Public Safety
Published on May 22, 2018
On May 20, 2018, at approximately 1:32 a.m., a Texas Highway Patrol Trooper observed a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu traveling south on Interstate 35 in Ellis County near U.S. 287. The vehicle was stopped for a traffic violation. Based on the traffic stop, the driver was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI). The driver, identified as Sherita Dixon-Cole, 37, from Grapevine, was arrested and transported to the Ellis County Jail, where she was charged with DWI. Following the arrest, spurious and false accusations related to this traffic stop were made against the Texas Trooper. Upon learning of those allegations, the Texas Department of Public Safety immediately took action to review the video in connection with this traffic stop and arrest. The video shows absolutely no evidence to support the egregious and unsubstantiated accusations against the Trooper during the DWI arrest of the suspect. The Department is appalled that anyone would make such a despicable, slanderous and false accusation against a peace officer who willingly risks his life every day to protect and serve the public. At the department’s request, the Ellis County District Attorney’s Office has reviewed video of the traffic stop and arrest, and authorized the release of the video. The department today proactively and publicly released the video captured by the Trooper’s body camera (which is posted here). (Note: Certain sections of the video have been blurred or rendered inaudible to protect information that is confidential by state statute, including Cole’s personally identifiable information.)
Let her be the first black to be parachute dropped into Liberia.
Just saw the video.I will put forth the proposition,that if she was a 3,the drunkie test wouldn't have lasted so long.Other than that,I have to wonder, which 5 of the Dallas Mavericks she was "meeting" that night...lol.
Will this person now face criminal charges? Something like this shouldn't be allowed to just be dropped. Potentially she could have caused great harm to the officer and his department. It could even have touched off another round of protests by the usual bunch.
When me and my relatives or friends are driving around Atlanta suburbs we spot a crazy driving black one of us is sure to say, "Look out don't let that black driver hit you. You know they don't have any insurance." With me its been twice. Once a black pulls out of a shopping center into my right of way and I Tboned him. One of my carpool got his hand injured. The black had no insurance and I had to fix my own car. The other time a back took a left turn in front my my right away and I tbone him and his mama had no insurance and so it goes.
Our boy Shaun King covered and promoted this one big time. He is made to look bad again. Over and over Shaun has been proven to be wrong but he continues in his "profession".
Lol, boy that backfired on her. Guess she didn’t realize that lies don’t set you free.
jerry pdx
Self hating white, pseudo "black man", purported "activist" Shawn King and his "mea culpa" for his knee jerk support of the Dixon-Cole attempted race hoax:
Ms. Dixon-Cole continues to claim it happened and her fiancé, who was there part of the time, supports her story. Mr. King has reviewed the footage and as racist and delusional he is realizes her story is bogus, his only explanation is to throw his hands up in mock astonishment and say "Why would an educated woman with no history of false accusations say something like this happened when it didn't"?
Here Mr. King, I'll tell you. Because she is a racist liar. And so is her fiancé. They made it up to become martyrs of the "cause" you relentless promote or for a possible payout.
jerry pdx
Here is a link to Shawn King's initial reaction to the false Sherita Dixon-Cole's false accusation: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/05/24/shaun-king-slammed-for-pushing-womans-now-discredited-claim-trooper-raped-sexually-assaulted-her.html
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