Saturday, July 31, 2010
“Obama” Immigration Memo Seeks to Illegally Backdoor Amnesty
The John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” has no intention of ever giving up on his dream of displacing white Americans in their own country, legally disenfranchising them, turning them into a minority, confiscating their assets, … and killing them.
That’s what Black Liberation Theology is all about.
And of course, of installing an “Obama” family dictatorship to be run by himself,
his semi-literate wife, and eventually their daughters. The demographic displacement starts with the amnestying of some 23 million illegal alien invaders and the additional millions of illegal anchor babies they had in this country, the fruits of their crimes.
Agency weighs skirting Congress on immigration
By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer Fri Jul 30, 4:09 pm ET
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration, unable to push an immigration overhaul through Congress, is considering ways it could go around lawmakers to allow undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States, according to an agency memo.
The internal draft written by officials at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services outlines ways that the government could provide "relief" to illegal immigrants — including delaying deportation for some, perhaps indefinitely, or granting green cards to others — in the absence of legislation revamping the system.
It's emerging as chances fade in this election year for a measure President Barack Obama favors to put the nation's estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants on a path to legal status, and as debate rages over an Arizona law targeting people suspected of being in the country illegally.
The 11-page internal memo, written in April to the agency's director, says: "This memorandum offers administrative relief options to promote family unity, foster economic growth, achieve significant process improvements and reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization."
It goes on: "In the absence of comprehensive immigration reform, USCIS can extend benefits and/or protections to many individuals or groups."
The memo provoked a backlash by Republicans who called it evidence that Obama is looking for ways of relaxing immigration policies without political consensus to enact a new law.
"The document provides an additional basis for our concerns that the administration will go to great lengths to circumvent Congress and unilaterally execute a backdoor amnesty plan," said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who obtained and circulated the memo. "The problem remains that if you reward illegality, you get more of it."
Grassley led a group of conservative GOP senators who wrote to Obama in June asking him to promise that the administration wouldn't use its authority to "change the current position of a large group of illegal aliens already in the United States."
The Iowan's staff said the group has not received a response.
"Now we find out the truth: while saying one thing to the public, the Obama administration is scheming to ensure that immigration laws are not enforced," said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee.
Christopher Bentley, a spokesman for the agency, said the internal document "should not be equated with official action or policy," and represented only "deliberation and exchange of ideas."
"We continue to maintain that comprehensive bipartisan legislation, coupled with smart, effective enforcement, is the only solution to our nation's immigration challenges," he said in a statement.
Still, the memo makes clear that even without such a bill, immigration officials have identified a variety of ways to relax U.S. policy to allow more undocumented immigrants who might otherwise face deportation to stay in the country. Among the options outlined is expanding the use of "deferred action" — in which the government can use its discretion to halt a deportation indefinitely, usually for an urgent humanitarian reason.
"While it is theoretically possible to grant deferred action to an unrestricted number of unlawfully present individuals, doing so would likely be controversial, not to mention expensive," the memo says. Instead, officials suggest using the option for certain groups, such as tens of thousands of high school graduates who have been brought up in the U.S. and plan to attend college or serve in the armed forces.
Democrats and Republicans have repeatedly tried to push through legislation — known as the "Dream Act" — to cover those students.
"To be clear," Bentley said, the government "will not grant deferred action or humanitarian parole to the nation's entire illegal immigrant population."
Another option included in the document is to allow more illegal immigrants to receive "parole-in-place" status. This would let them stay in the United States while they seek legal status.
The document discusses applying both those options to spouses of active duty military personnel, for instance.
It also suggests expanding the definition of "extreme hardship" for exceptions in immigration cases — a prospect that alarmed critics who said it could lower the bar so virtually any undocumented person could meet it.
And the memo suggests allowing people who entered the United States illegally and were granted so-called "Temporary Protected Status" because of a crisis in their home countries to stay and get permanent legal residency.
The memo notes that this would be a change in long-standing policy, and says, "Opening this pathway will help thousands of applicants obtain lawful permanent residence without having to leave the U.S."
Some proponents of revamping the immigration system said the document simply points out ways the agency can fix old and outdated practices that separate families and hurt workers and employers.
Writing on the Immigration Policy Center's blog, Director Mary Giovagnoli, a former immigration official, said, "Good for you, USCIS, for trying to do what it can within that broken system."
A tip ‘o the hat to Lawrence Auster.
Wikipedia and the Importance of being Ignorant
Kathryn Schulz: Why did you feel so strongly about involving experts?
Wikipedia founder Larry Sanger: Because of the complete disregard for expert opinion among a group of amateurs working on a subject, and in particular because of their tendency to openly express contempt for experts. There was this attitude that experts should be disqualified [from participating] by the very fact that they had published on the subject—that because they had published, they were therefore biased. That frustrated me very much, to see that happening over and over again: experts essentially being driven away by people who didn’t have any respect for those who make it their lives’ work to know things.
See my American Renaissance exposé, “Wikipedia on Race.”
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thanks to All of the Readers Who Have So Far Responded to Yesterday’s Fundraising Letter!
And to the rest of you: Please keep those contributions coming!
Nicholas Stix
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
You Read It First from Me, so Please Support Me, So That I Can Continue Beating the MSM!
By Nicholas Stix
Yesterday, I scooped the MSM on the indictment of alleged Prince George's County serial killer Jason Thomas Scott. Granted, I beat the Washington Post by only 55 minutes, and ABC by three-and-a-half hours (according to Google), but how many journalists do you hear of beating the big boys, armed with only a modem, a landline, and dedicated reader-researchers?
But I’ve done better. In the spring of 2007, the MSM felt compelled to put out a fire that I had started. In Knoxville, Tennessee, an attractive young white couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, were carjacked and kidnapped, and then both gang-raped, tortured, and murdered in unspeakable fashion. Meanwhile, all of the suspects were black. The MSM did what it always does in such situations: They conspired to cover it up. But the cover-up failed, and so the MSM went to “Plan B”: Demonize anyone denouncing the crime as a “white supremacist.”
The media's implication was clear: It is a.o.k. for blacks to commit such atrocities against whites.
In March of that year, Jared Taylor, the editor-publisher of American Renaissance asked me to cover the story. I did such a bang-up job that a producer at CNN’s The Paula Zahn Show plagiarized me, while simultaneously denouncing me indirectly as a “white supremacist.” (God forbid, they should mention me by name.)
My biggest scoop in that American Renaissance story was in tracking the false rumor then burning across the Internet, according to which the killers had sexually dismembered the victims, cutting off at least one of Channon Christian’s breasts and Chris Newsom’s penis, a myth that some people are repeating to this day, back to neo-Nazi/white supremacist/FBI informant/whatever Hal Turner. And that is what CNN plagiarized from me—along with an error I’d made!
1. The screen capture shot CNN showed of my May 14 story acknowledged that the scriptwriter had read my story, while CNN’s “reporter” intoned, “Sites with white supremacist agendas made their own headlines”;
2. No one prior to me had tracked the genital mutilation rumors back to their source; and
3. The script even plagiarized an error I had made in my May 14 article, in identifying Turner as living “in New York.” He lived in New Jersey. I corrected that error in a revised, expanded version of the article that American Renaissance published in its July, 2007 issue.
As I asked at the time, “If American Renaissance [and by extension, me] has a ‘white supremacist agenda[s],’ what does that make a reporter who plagiarizes American Renaissance?”
(Rusty Dornin played reporter on the show, but probably had nothing to do with writing the script. Newsmagazine “reporters” are mostly actors; the real reporting is typically done by off-camera producers, the way Mary Mapes was responsible for 60 Minutes’ Memogate Hoax.)
Three years later, the MSM is still suppressing the case I dubbed the Knoxville Horror, and I’m still writing about it, with the support of my VDARE editor, Peter Brimelow. I want every adult in America to know who Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were.
My biggest scoop on the MSM to date was by almost eight years, in the case of the government-leftist-media conspiracy to railroad patriotic scientist Dr. Steven J. Hatfill for the deadly fall, 2001 anthrax attacks. But don’t take my word for it. Read what my VDARE colleague and former boss, Kevin Lamb, had to say about it in April, upon the publication of an only seven-and-a-half-year late “expose” by The Atlantic:
Thank you, Kevin.
Unfortunately, courageous editors like Jared and Peter can’t pay me enough to stay on the job. And so, I must turn to you for help. Please hit the gold PayPal button at the top of this page, and send a donation my way.
Thank you for your generous support.
Nicholas Stix
Yesterday, I scooped the MSM on the indictment of alleged Prince George's County serial killer Jason Thomas Scott. Granted, I beat the Washington Post by only 55 minutes, and ABC by three-and-a-half hours (according to Google), but how many journalists do you hear of beating the big boys, armed with only a modem, a landline, and dedicated reader-researchers?
But I’ve done better. In the spring of 2007, the MSM felt compelled to put out a fire that I had started. In Knoxville, Tennessee, an attractive young white couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, were carjacked and kidnapped, and then both gang-raped, tortured, and murdered in unspeakable fashion. Meanwhile, all of the suspects were black. The MSM did what it always does in such situations: They conspired to cover it up. But the cover-up failed, and so the MSM went to “Plan B”: Demonize anyone denouncing the crime as a “white supremacist.”
The media's implication was clear: It is a.o.k. for blacks to commit such atrocities against whites.
In March of that year, Jared Taylor, the editor-publisher of American Renaissance asked me to cover the story. I did such a bang-up job that a producer at CNN’s The Paula Zahn Show plagiarized me, while simultaneously denouncing me indirectly as a “white supremacist.” (God forbid, they should mention me by name.)
My biggest scoop in that American Renaissance story was in tracking the false rumor then burning across the Internet, according to which the killers had sexually dismembered the victims, cutting off at least one of Channon Christian’s breasts and Chris Newsom’s penis, a myth that some people are repeating to this day, back to neo-Nazi/white supremacist/FBI informant/whatever Hal Turner. And that is what CNN plagiarized from me—along with an error I’d made!
1. The screen capture shot CNN showed of my May 14 story acknowledged that the scriptwriter had read my story, while CNN’s “reporter” intoned, “Sites with white supremacist agendas made their own headlines”;
2. No one prior to me had tracked the genital mutilation rumors back to their source; and
3. The script even plagiarized an error I had made in my May 14 article, in identifying Turner as living “in New York.” He lived in New Jersey. I corrected that error in a revised, expanded version of the article that American Renaissance published in its July, 2007 issue.
As I asked at the time, “If American Renaissance [and by extension, me] has a ‘white supremacist agenda[s],’ what does that make a reporter who plagiarizes American Renaissance?”
(Rusty Dornin played reporter on the show, but probably had nothing to do with writing the script. Newsmagazine “reporters” are mostly actors; the real reporting is typically done by off-camera producers, the way Mary Mapes was responsible for 60 Minutes’ Memogate Hoax.)
Three years later, the MSM is still suppressing the case I dubbed the Knoxville Horror, and I’m still writing about it, with the support of my VDARE editor, Peter Brimelow. I want every adult in America to know who Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were.
My biggest scoop on the MSM to date was by almost eight years, in the case of the government-leftist-media conspiracy to railroad patriotic scientist Dr. Steven J. Hatfill for the deadly fall, 2001 anthrax attacks. But don’t take my word for it. Read what my VDARE colleague and former boss, Kevin Lamb, had to say about it in April, upon the publication of an only seven-and-a-half-year late “expose” by The Atlantic:
VDARE.COM contributor Nicholas Stix deserves recognition for his early investigative work uncovering one of the most scandalous smear campaigns in recent memory: the sliming of bioweapons researcher Steven Hatfill….
The just-published May issue of The Atlantic magazine contains The Wrong Man, David Freed’s powerful 8,600-word account of Hatfill, whose life was turned upside down by federal authorities, journalists, a Vassar professor, and a left-wing scientist after five anthrax-laced letters were mailed in the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, eventually causing five deaths.
But Stix had sorted this smear out back when the campaign to convict Hatfill was in full swing.
Thank you, Kevin.
Unfortunately, courageous editors like Jared and Peter can’t pay me enough to stay on the job. And so, I must turn to you for help. Please hit the gold PayPal button at the top of this page, and send a donation my way.
Thank you for your generous support.
Nicholas Stix
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Meet Prince George’s County Serial Murder Suspect Jason Thomas Scott

By Nicholas Stix
jeffatgzg wrote:
pofinpa wrote: ‘another sensational case for the whining news media to glorify. keep in jail,speedy trial and execution be fore naacp , aclu jump to this scums rescue.’
Nice attempt at race-bating [sic]. Funny thing is, nowhere in the article does it state that the suspect is black, however you jump to that conclusion with glee.
Let me get most if not all of your worldview from watching FoxNews and listening to Rush Limbaugh, don't you?
Do us all a favor pal...if the best you can bring to the conversation is a lame attempt to smear the NAACP and ACLU, why don't you just keep your opinions to yourself next time.
People like you are what is wrong with America today.
7/21/2010 7:35:42 AM
Well, surprise, surprise, surprise! The suspect is black.
This is no fluke. As I wrote earlier today, the recent news stories by the Washington Post’s Jason Zapotosky, in which he quoted Prince George’s County police Chief Roberto L. Hylton praising the killer’s brilliance, left little doubt that Chief Hylton was convinced that the killer was black. Authorities don’t praise the “brilliance” of white criminals.
Add to that, that if the police had believed that a white man was a serial killer of black females, it would have been national news, trumpeted as “racist hate crimes.”
Millions of honest, intelligent white readers like pofinpa routinely read censored and coded MSM crime stories with such issues in mind, as they seek to piece together who did what to whom.
Just don’t hold your breath, waiting for jeffatgzg to apologize for his race-baiting attack on pofinpa. You see, in his racist, lefty mind, jeffatgzg is always right. Even when he’s wrong. After all, didn’t he say that folks like pofinpa, whom he presumes to be white and Republican, have no right to freedom of speech, and indeed “are what is wrong with America today”? Not black serial killers.
jeffatgzg and his ilk troll at sites like the Post, not out of an interest in the facts, but in order to seek and suppress facts, though race-baiting honest readers.
(My reader-researcher helped me on this, as on the other pieces I have written on this case.)
Postscript 5:46 p.m.: pofinpa was guilty, however, of one factual error: Maryland is not a death penalty state. Thus, no matter how many people someone murders, the most he can be sentenced to is "life until parole."
Jason Thomas Scott Indicted for Prince George’s County Murders!

By Nicholas Stix
My source panned out!
Jason Thomas Scott was just indicted. Only ten minutes ago, the Washington Post’s Jason Zapotosky reported,
A 27-year-old Largo man was indicted Tuesday in connection with the slayings of a mother and her 20-year-old daughter whose bodies were found in a burning car in Prince George's County last year, authorities said.
Police said Jason Thomas Scott is a "serial killer" with no clear connection to Delores Dewitt, 42, and her daughter, Ebony, whose bodies were found March 16, 2009, in a burning car in Largo that had been stolen that day.
They have said they believe Scott is also responsible for the slayings of Karen Lofton, 45, and her 16-year-old daughter, Karissa, who were found shot in their locked home Jan. 26, 2009, and for the 2008 killing of a Bowie woman who was shot before her home was set ablaze.
Scott has been jailed on federal carjacking, weapons and sex charges since September, and he has been police’s top suspect in the mother-daughter murders for months, according to court records and law enforcement sources. Kobie Flowers, his lawyer in his federal court case, declined to comment.
The grand jury charged Scott with two counts of murder, two of first-degree burglary and theree related gun charges….
The Prince George’s County Serial Killer: Who is the New “Brilliant” UPS “Criminal Mastermind” Expected to be Indicted Today?

By Nicholas Stix
Yesterday, a criminal justice official in Prince George’s County, Maryland hinted that today, between 1 and 2 p.m., an indictment would come down in the case of the suspected serial killer whom authorities believe murdered two sets of mothers and daughters in the county— Delores (42) and Ebony (20) Dewitt, and Karen (45) and Karissa (16) Lofton, in and around Largo —as well as Vilma Butler (46) in Bowie, and other victims in Texas and Florida.

Citing the law regarding grand jury proceedings, the official refused to confirm the identity of the suspect, but other Prince George’s County and/or federal officials have been leaking like a sieve over the past week.
The suspect is 27, worked at UPS, and was already in custody on federal charges for selling stolen guns. My research turned up one solitary match for that profile: Jason T. Scott, who was arrested in July 2009, along with an alleged accomplice, for allegedly selling stolen guns out of his car trunk in the parking lot at UPS, where he worked.
Should Scott be charged, he would of course enjoy the presumption of innocence.
The last time a “brilliant” UPS “criminal mastermind” was in the news, it was mass murderer Brian Nichols, on whom I reported in March 2005. Such media praise for pure evil has become a code for, ‘the assailant is a black man who studied something more substantial than African-American Studies in college.’
Monday, July 26, 2010
Prince George's County Alert!
By Nicholas Stix
Look for an indictment tomorrow, between 1 and 2 p.m., in the big serial killer case, for the murders of Delores and Ebony Dewitt, and Karen and Karissa Lofton, Voilma Butler, et al.
Look for an indictment tomorrow, between 1 and 2 p.m., in the big serial killer case, for the murders of Delores and Ebony Dewitt, and Karen and Karissa Lofton, Voilma Butler, et al.
Reconquista Nazis at All-Star Game: “You are White, You Don’t Belong in America!” This is America. It Belongs to Mexicans!”; “Go Back to Europe!”
Stand Against Amnesty and Illegal Immigration
I found this at American Renaissance, where it was viewable, albeit in fits and starts. Youtube almost immediately took it down, so I don’t know if this embed will even work.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
MacArthur Park: Richard Harris
Yes, it’s kitschy, but can anyone even imagine having such romantic sentiments regarding today’s reconquista MacArthur Park?
(The late Sammy Cahn, long Sinatra’s favorite lyricist, thought otherwise, arguing, “I think one of the real, real geniuses is Jimmy Webb. His ‘MacArthur Park’ is a major piece of work, major. I’d almost compare it to Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ in size and scope.”)
Jimmy Webb was one of the 1960s’ most talented tunesmiths. Granted, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II he wasn’t, but he did give us “Up, Up, and Away,” “By the Time I Get to Phoenix,” “Wichita Lineman,” “Galveston,” “Didn’t We,” and “The Worst That Could Happen.”
Richard Harris was not a singer. Rather, the Irishman was one of the three great drunken brawlers of the stage and screen that came over from across the pond in the 1950s and 1960s, along with Welshman Richard Burton (1925-1984) and fellow Irishman Peter O’Toole. And they were all friends.
Like his counterparts above, Harris had a brashly unlimited confidence that allowed him to put over “MacArthur Park,” after the fashion of Rex Harrison and Burton’s speak-song in My Fair Lady and Camelot, respectively.
Harris was initially one of the angry young men of postwar British film, gaining fame in This Sporting Life (1963). Other AYM included Albert Finney in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960), and Tom Courtenay in The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962).
Harris was nominated for Best Actor twice: For This Sporting Life and The Field (1990).
A dull and dreary business, this angry young man thing was, as dull and dreary as postwar British socialism, and an English culture in which Noel Coward was alive but burnt out, and there was no one to replace him.
But at least the AYM performers were great talents. America now has its angry, racist multiculturalism, in which talentless blacks and Hispanics are given acting and directing jobs, and MacArthur Park is a place you go to buy drugs and fraudulent identification.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Smothers Brother Gets Sentenced to an Average of Only 6.25-12.5 Years for Eight Contract Killings—but It’s Detroit

By Nicholas Stix
Updated at 10:10 p.m., on Friday, July 23, 2010. Last updated at 1:21 a.m., on Saturday, July 24, 2010.
One of my busy reader-researchers sent in this item tonight with the title:
“Re: Black hit man from Detroit gets only 50 to 100 years. Allegedly murdered [eight]...”
My reader-researcher asked,
“Doesn't this qualify him for serial killer status?
“Or at least a mass murderer?”
To which I explain:
Forget it, Jake, it’s Detroit.
Detroit -- A hit man who admitted to killing eight people was sentenced to 50-100 years in prison today.
Wayne County Circuit Judge Craig Strong sentenced Vincent Smothers on eight counts of second-degree murder. Smothers had pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in a deal in June, avoiding a mandatory life sentence and making him eligible for parole when he's about 80.
His sentencing, however, was delayed this morning after it was learned that contraband was found in Smothers' Wayne County Jail cell, which isn't shared with anyone else. It's not known how a cellular telephone got into the cell, said Paula Bridges, spokeswoman for the Wayne County Sheriff's Office.
Smothers' attorney, Gabi Silver, responded today, saying: "All I know is that I didn't give it to him."
Strong met before the sentencing with court security commanders, an investigator from the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office and Judge Timothy Kenny, who presides over the court's Criminal Division, in light of the discovery.
In preparation for the sentencing, Strong also cleared the courtroom of persons interested in the case. All were allowed back but only after providing identification to court security. A dog also was sent in to sniff the courtroom.
"We have a security issue, so we are going to have to do this," Strong told about a dozen people, including members of some of his victim's families.
Smothers told police he was paid $60,000 for a series of killings. His last victim was Rose Cobb, the wife of a Detroit police officer, in 2007.
After his arrest, he also took responsibility for four murders that police pinned on a teenager. Smothers hasn't been charged in those deaths, and the teen is trying to undo his guilty plea.
“Hit man sentenced to 50 to 100 years” by Doug Guthrie, The Detroit News (and AP), July 23, 2010.

How a man can confess to eight contract killings, and yet be given the opportunity for parole, is yet another case of the multicultural sentencing that I have been reporting on, which is threatening to turn all of America into a diversitopia to rival such prime real estate as Detroit. (Another of my reader-researchers responded to the foregoing line, “NOT so long ago, I saw a web site that said the MEDIAN price for a property in Dee was $7,000. I thought first that was a typo. They must have meant $70,000. But NO it IS $7,000.”)
Note too that Brother Smothers is such a dangerous individual that court personnel were terrified to be dealing with him, apparently fearing another possible Brian Nichols mass murder, such as I wrote on in March 2005: “Brian Nichols: PC Kills… Again.”
Prison officials must be really excited about welcoming this particular Smothers Brother. Will a hit man who can get cell phones smuggled into jail even bother hanging around to wait for parole hearings?
At this rate of diversitopian progress, how long will it be before people start saying, “Forget it, Jake … it’s America”?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Remorseless Killer of Two Illinois Cops, Shooter of Four Other Cops and One Civilian, Granted Parole by Feds
By Nicholas Stix
"I don't feel any remorse for those dead cops."
His name is Henry Michael Gargano, he and two accomplices did their primary evil in Northlake, Illinois and Ohio in 1967, and he was sentenced to 199 years in prison.
According to the new new math, 199 = 43.
Gargano’s crimes were not limited to at least two cases of armed robbery (and one case of either armed robbery or burglary of an Illinois armory, where he and his crime partners got the weapons they used to shoot all those people) , two murders, and wholesale attempted murder: He also has a tab for an earlier parole violation (the linked Chicago Tribune article doesn’t explain) and while in prison escaped twice, and planned a third escape.
Folks in Northlake aren’t taking this lying down, and have organized and demanded another hearing, scheduled for early August, to stop Gargano’s parole.
(Thanks to Illinois reader A.E., for the heads-up!)
"I don't feel any remorse for those dead cops."
His name is Henry Michael Gargano, he and two accomplices did their primary evil in Northlake, Illinois and Ohio in 1967, and he was sentenced to 199 years in prison.
According to the new new math, 199 = 43.
Gargano’s crimes were not limited to at least two cases of armed robbery (and one case of either armed robbery or burglary of an Illinois armory, where he and his crime partners got the weapons they used to shoot all those people) , two murders, and wholesale attempted murder: He also has a tab for an earlier parole violation (the linked Chicago Tribune article doesn’t explain) and while in prison escaped twice, and planned a third escape.
Folks in Northlake aren’t taking this lying down, and have organized and demanded another hearing, scheduled for early August, to stop Gargano’s parole.
(Thanks to Illinois reader A.E., for the heads-up!)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
David in Tennessee: What's Going on in Knoxville
(N.S.: My reader-researcher, David in Tennessee, sent the following Knoxville Horror update during the wee small hours last night.)
The big news currently in Knoxville is the involvement of a group of UT football players in beating up a bar patron and an off duty cop.
A little-noticed fact in the Knoxville Horror is that Lemaricus Davidson was almost recruited by then-UT football coach, Phil Fullmer. Davidson played sports at a private school while living with an affluent white family (just like "The Blind Side"). Fullmer called the future KH ringleader, "just what we want."
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Powerline Blog's Republican Writers Finally “Report” on New Black Panthers' White Disenfranchisement Campaign—Over One Year Later than NSU!
By Nicholas Stix
An update to my story from earlier today, “Whistleblowing, Former DOJ Civil Rights Division Lawyer, J. Christian Adams, Fights Continuing Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice in AG Eric Holder’s DOJ in 2008 New Black Panther Party Philadelphia Voter Intimidation Case”: today, PowerlineBlog’s Scott Johnson brags, “I wrote about the Justice Department's dismissal of the charges against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation on election day 2008 here,” linking to an entry of his from June 29, 2010!
I first wrote about the New Black Panthers’ Election Day 2008 campaign to disenfranchise white Philadelphia voters on May 12, 2009. That means that my readers knew all about the Panthers’ crimes over 13-and-a-half months earlier than readers who relied on Johnson and his Republican blog comrades. Why is that?
1. Because, as Republican writers, the PowerlineBlog trio is corrupt, and wish only to give cronies credit for stories. They’d rather a story die, than link to the “wrong” sort of people. Indeed, Republican writers and their wooden dummies would rather remain in blissful ignorance, or even misreport a major story on race (see here, here, and here), than read about such stories at Web sites and blogs produced by “the wrong sort of people.” That is why the Republican blogosphere has been overtaken by the socialist-communist blogosphere, just as in the real world, Republicans have been overtaken by socialist/communist/whatevers. Heck, they let the Leftwing MSM switch the color of communism to the color of the Republican Party, without so much as a peep!
2. Because, as Republican writers, the PowerlineBlog trio is scared to death of doing honest reporting or commentary on race, because like yours truly, those who do get called nasty names, like “white nationalist” (by my good friend, Mark Potok, of the SPLC). Thus, even though otherwise safe Fox News broke the story in real time on Election Day 2008, they will wait until such stories have been reported to death elsewhere, and are thus “safe,” before touching them themselves. Which makes them worthless as journalists, and of negative value politically.
* * *
Thanks for the great support many of my readers have so far shown during this, my first fundraising drive. Some readers have even given more than once, in the past three months. I urge my other readers to also sponsor the continuation of my work which, for some strange reason, the New York Times has not seen fit to support, and so that I can do the work that rich, well-connected Republican writers are too cowardly and corrupt to cover, until long after I have done the heavy lifting, and who, more often than not, still get the story wrong! Thanks in advance, for your kind assistance!
Nicholas Stix
An update to my story from earlier today, “Whistleblowing, Former DOJ Civil Rights Division Lawyer, J. Christian Adams, Fights Continuing Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice in AG Eric Holder’s DOJ in 2008 New Black Panther Party Philadelphia Voter Intimidation Case”: today, PowerlineBlog’s Scott Johnson brags, “I wrote about the Justice Department's dismissal of the charges against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation on election day 2008 here,” linking to an entry of his from June 29, 2010!
I first wrote about the New Black Panthers’ Election Day 2008 campaign to disenfranchise white Philadelphia voters on May 12, 2009. That means that my readers knew all about the Panthers’ crimes over 13-and-a-half months earlier than readers who relied on Johnson and his Republican blog comrades. Why is that?
1. Because, as Republican writers, the PowerlineBlog trio is corrupt, and wish only to give cronies credit for stories. They’d rather a story die, than link to the “wrong” sort of people. Indeed, Republican writers and their wooden dummies would rather remain in blissful ignorance, or even misreport a major story on race (see here, here, and here), than read about such stories at Web sites and blogs produced by “the wrong sort of people.” That is why the Republican blogosphere has been overtaken by the socialist-communist blogosphere, just as in the real world, Republicans have been overtaken by socialist/communist/whatevers. Heck, they let the Leftwing MSM switch the color of communism to the color of the Republican Party, without so much as a peep!
2. Because, as Republican writers, the PowerlineBlog trio is scared to death of doing honest reporting or commentary on race, because like yours truly, those who do get called nasty names, like “white nationalist” (by my good friend, Mark Potok, of the SPLC). Thus, even though otherwise safe Fox News broke the story in real time on Election Day 2008, they will wait until such stories have been reported to death elsewhere, and are thus “safe,” before touching them themselves. Which makes them worthless as journalists, and of negative value politically.
Thanks for the great support many of my readers have so far shown during this, my first fundraising drive. Some readers have even given more than once, in the past three months. I urge my other readers to also sponsor the continuation of my work which, for some strange reason, the New York Times has not seen fit to support, and so that I can do the work that rich, well-connected Republican writers are too cowardly and corrupt to cover, until long after I have done the heavy lifting, and who, more often than not, still get the story wrong! Thanks in advance, for your kind assistance!
Nicholas Stix
Whistleblowing, Former DOJ Civil Rights Division Lawyer, J. Christian Adams, Fights Continuing Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice in AG Eric Holder’s DOJ
in 2008 New Black Panther Party Philadelphia Voter Intimidation Case
By Nicholas Stix
My VDARE colleague James Fulford blogged on the following interview from Wednesday, from which I got the video.
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Interviews Former DOJ Civil Rights Division Lawyer, J. Christian Adams, Who Resigned Over Eric Holder’s Obstruction of Justice in New Black Panther Philadelphia Voter Intimidation Case
I wrote about this Election Day 2008 story, which Fox News broke, over one year ago, in two major VDARE articles:
“Diversity is Strength! It’s Also… ‘Jim Snow’ Disenfranchisement of Whites”; and
“New York Times Finds Civil Rights Commission’s Condemnation of Hate Bill (and AG Holder’s Jim Snow Policies) Unfit to Print”.
However, the socialist MSM covered it up. With Adams’ resignation and whistleblowing, it is getting harder for the SMSM to maintain its cover-up. The Department of Justice responded that Adams is a “conservative” and a liar, and that the case against the New Black Panthers was supported neither by the facts nor the law.
While Adams may be guilty of political conservatism, that’s beside the point, but the independent record leaves no doubt that it is “Barack Obama” and Eric Holder’s Justice Department that is lying, and engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct justice, and to disenfranchise white voters, with Obama, Holder, and assorted John Does within the DOJ acting as accomplices after the fact to the genocidal, New Black Panther Party.
• Multiple videotapes of the crimes by King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, the leaders of the Philadelphia New Black Panthers (intimidating whites with racial epithets, while brandishing a deadly weapon at a polling place; blocking the entrance to the polling place; trying to intimidate a Fox News crew out of reporting on their crimes)
• Multiple witness affidavits, including one by civil rights lawyer Bartle Bull, who had defended blacks’ voting rights in the South during the mid-1960s, who has been a voting rights/civil rights attorney for over 40 years, and who called what he witnessed of the New Black Panthers, “the most blatant form of voter intimidation I have encountered in my life in political campaigns in many states, even going back to the work I did in Mississippi in the 1960’s. I considered their presence to be a racially motivated effort to intimidate both poll watchers aiding voters, as well as voters with whom the men did not agree.”
• A federal judge’s default ruling against the New Black Panther Party, which refused to even appear in court in its own defense.
After the judge’s default ruling, Eric Holder’s DOJ withdrew the case. According to J. Christian Adams, some DOJ Civil Rights Division Voting Rights lawyers responded to the New Black Panthers’ crimes, that it was “payback time” against whites.
On May 12, 2009, I wrote at VDARE,
I predicted at the time, that Eric Holder would seek to “disappear” the case, and unfortunately, 17 days later, I was proved right.
But the story doesn’t end there.
Last year, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which has subpoena power, subpoenaed all DOJ personnel who worked on the Philadelphia New Black Panther case to testify in an inquiry into possible DOJ misconduct.
At least one high-ranking official at Justice reportedly ordered two Civil Rights Division attorneys to ignore the subpoenas.
Last December, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) said that the Justice Department was engaged in “a cover-up."
A president was once forced to resign over a cover-up, but he was a Republican. “Barack Obama” engages in so many cover-ups that keeping track requires a scorecard.
Look for the most criminal administration in American history to engage in the politics of personal destruction, by setting its SMSM attack dogs on J. Christian Adams. Soon, we will learn if Adams was ever suspected of showing up at work without having brushed his teeth.
Meanwhile, when AG Eric Holder had his DOJ henchmen throw out the case against the New Black Panthers, he and the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” were signaling their support to the Panthers. After all, “Obama,” himself a devotee of genocidal Black Liberation Theology, is a kindred spirit to the Panthers. The newly inspired Panthers will be more aggressive and violent than ever, across the country in 2010, and especially, 2012. Between “Obama’s” allies among the Panthers, ACORN, and other supportive black supremacists and communists, anything could happen.
* * *
Thanks for the great support many of my readers have so far shown during this, my first fundraising drive. Some readers have even given more than once, in the past three months. I urge my other readers to also sponsor the continuation of my work which, for some strange reason, the New York Times has not seen fit to support. Thanks in advance, for your kind assistance!
Nicholas Stix
By Nicholas Stix
My VDARE colleague James Fulford blogged on the following interview from Wednesday, from which I got the video.
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Interviews Former DOJ Civil Rights Division Lawyer, J. Christian Adams, Who Resigned Over Eric Holder’s Obstruction of Justice in New Black Panther Philadelphia Voter Intimidation Case
I wrote about this Election Day 2008 story, which Fox News broke, over one year ago, in two major VDARE articles:
“Diversity is Strength! It’s Also… ‘Jim Snow’ Disenfranchisement of Whites”; and
“New York Times Finds Civil Rights Commission’s Condemnation of Hate Bill (and AG Holder’s Jim Snow Policies) Unfit to Print”.
However, the socialist MSM covered it up. With Adams’ resignation and whistleblowing, it is getting harder for the SMSM to maintain its cover-up. The Department of Justice responded that Adams is a “conservative” and a liar, and that the case against the New Black Panthers was supported neither by the facts nor the law.
While Adams may be guilty of political conservatism, that’s beside the point, but the independent record leaves no doubt that it is “Barack Obama” and Eric Holder’s Justice Department that is lying, and engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct justice, and to disenfranchise white voters, with Obama, Holder, and assorted John Does within the DOJ acting as accomplices after the fact to the genocidal, New Black Panther Party.
• Multiple videotapes of the crimes by King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, the leaders of the Philadelphia New Black Panthers (intimidating whites with racial epithets, while brandishing a deadly weapon at a polling place; blocking the entrance to the polling place; trying to intimidate a Fox News crew out of reporting on their crimes)
• Multiple witness affidavits, including one by civil rights lawyer Bartle Bull, who had defended blacks’ voting rights in the South during the mid-1960s, who has been a voting rights/civil rights attorney for over 40 years, and who called what he witnessed of the New Black Panthers, “the most blatant form of voter intimidation I have encountered in my life in political campaigns in many states, even going back to the work I did in Mississippi in the 1960’s. I considered their presence to be a racially motivated effort to intimidate both poll watchers aiding voters, as well as voters with whom the men did not agree.”
• A federal judge’s default ruling against the New Black Panther Party, which refused to even appear in court in its own defense.
After the judge’s default ruling, Eric Holder’s DOJ withdrew the case. According to J. Christian Adams, some DOJ Civil Rights Division Voting Rights lawyers responded to the New Black Panthers’ crimes, that it was “payback time” against whites.
On May 12, 2009, I wrote at VDARE,
Let us not delude ourselves. Justice’s Civil Rights Division is an ongoing criminal enterprise dominated by racist blacks and self-hating whites, who are dedicated to racially disenfranchising whites and racially privileging blacks and Hispanics—the Constitution and federal law be damned!
Of course, the Philadelphia case occurred on George W. Bush’s watch. That’s just more evidence of how useless he (and the whole conservative Establishment) have become.
The Civil Rights Division’s corruption is not some unfortunate, unintended consequence of 1960s’ civil rights laws. It is a pillar of America’s civil rights legacy. The motive behind the civil rights laws was to give blacks racial power. That power could not flourish without a racially corrupt Civil Rights Division.
I predicted at the time, that Eric Holder would seek to “disappear” the case, and unfortunately, 17 days later, I was proved right.
But the story doesn’t end there.
Last year, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which has subpoena power, subpoenaed all DOJ personnel who worked on the Philadelphia New Black Panther case to testify in an inquiry into possible DOJ misconduct.
At least one high-ranking official at Justice reportedly ordered two Civil Rights Division attorneys to ignore the subpoenas.
Last December, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) said that the Justice Department was engaged in “a cover-up."
A president was once forced to resign over a cover-up, but he was a Republican. “Barack Obama” engages in so many cover-ups that keeping track requires a scorecard.
Look for the most criminal administration in American history to engage in the politics of personal destruction, by setting its SMSM attack dogs on J. Christian Adams. Soon, we will learn if Adams was ever suspected of showing up at work without having brushed his teeth.
Meanwhile, when AG Eric Holder had his DOJ henchmen throw out the case against the New Black Panthers, he and the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” were signaling their support to the Panthers. After all, “Obama,” himself a devotee of genocidal Black Liberation Theology, is a kindred spirit to the Panthers. The newly inspired Panthers will be more aggressive and violent than ever, across the country in 2010, and especially, 2012. Between “Obama’s” allies among the Panthers, ACORN, and other supportive black supremacists and communists, anything could happen.
Thanks for the great support many of my readers have so far shown during this, my first fundraising drive. Some readers have even given more than once, in the past three months. I urge my other readers to also sponsor the continuation of my work which, for some strange reason, the New York Times has not seen fit to support. Thanks in advance, for your kind assistance!
Nicholas Stix
This is an APB, Dispatcher. There are Three Suspects, Who are Considered Armed, Dangerous, and … Raceless!
By Nicholas Stix

What do you think the respective races and/or ethnicities of the above-depicted individuals are? To find out, read my new VDARE front pager: “‘I Don’t Think It Does Race’—the Rise of Raceless Police Suspect Sketches.”
Thanks for the great support many of my readers have so far shown during this, my first fundraising drive. Recently, some readers have even given more than once! I urge my other readers to also sponsor the continuation of my work which, for some strange reason, the New York Times has not seen fit to do. Thanks in advance, for your kind assistance!
Nicholas Stix
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