Monday, October 28, 2024

40-50 un-identified thugs rob folks in navy yard-nats beisbol area sabado p.m.

By "W" monday, october 28, 2024 at 12:45:23 p.m. edt

40-50 un-identified thugs rob folks in navy yard-nats beisbol area sabado p.m.

Multi-millions$$$ spent trying to upscale the Washington navy yard area, where the nationals' baseball stadium is located.

Police haven't identified the 40-50 folks strolling about on saturday night attacking individuals making the life-threatening mistake of walking in the area at night (it is dangerous enough in daylight). One of the victims reportedly carried an ID from the friendly central american country of el salvador:

"Tim Walz accused of pushing Chinese Communist Party official’s daughter to brink of suicide during storm-tossed love affair in 1980s: ‘made me feel cheap’"

"allahu akbar!" moslem shoots Jew on the latter's way to synagogue, then shoots it out with cops; new york post changes shooter's religion to "crazed"; crazy people threaten defamation lawsuit

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

"Jewish man shot walking to synagogue as suspect allegedly shouted ‘allahu akbar’ before police shootout: report"

"according to a report, Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, 22, was arrested following a shootout with police on saturday morning in chicago’s west ridge neighborhood."

Cora Masters Barry, the black supremacist widow of crack-sniffing, corrupt, racist, rapist mayor, Marion Barry, seeks to criminally extort a fortune out of &pizza

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat

fraud sheet rolling stone: White patriots are unwelcome in Madison square garden or, indeed, in America

By N.S.

cracker shoots knee grow; details at 11

By A Texas Reader
monday, october 28, 2024 at 05:07:44 p.m. edt

cracker shoots knee grow. details at 11.

"police arrest man charged with threatening and shooting neighbor in the neck after standoff"

Sunday, October 27, 2024

LAPD: “We Don’t Get into” Immigration Status of Christmas Story Director’s Killer

By Nicholas Stix
April 06, 2007

(Backstory: lapd chief William Bratton responded to this story by trying to get yours truly Whitelisted. He had his deputy commissioner of propaganda, whose name I’ve long ago forgotten (she had won three Pulitzer prizes while a reporter for the ap, for what it’s worth, in case you want to try and find her name) write to Peter Brimelow, signing her real name, but without mentioning her role at the lapd. She wrote that I had referred to “Officer Hurty,” who didn’t exist, which made me a fraud.

The truth is that I had certainly interviewed the public information officer (pio) in question, who was a brusque black woman, who said her name in a very unclear manner. I failed to get up my gumption and ask her to spell her name. Later, I replayed the taped interview many times at the spot where she’d her name, but the closest I could come to it was “Hurty.” I sought and failed to find the pio duty roster (it was 3 a.m.), and went with my best bet.

After Peter ran my article, and Bratton’s flunky sent him her poison pen letter, I was able to find the duty roster, and determined that the brusque black woman was named April Harding. But the poison pen letter writer knew darned well that “Officer Hurty” was Officer Harding. She had the duty roster at hand, and had to know that April Harding had spoken to a reporter from VDARE.

It wasn’t the first time I’d exposed Bratton. I’d written the first national exposé of fakestats for Chronicles magazine in the spring of 1996: “Crime Stories.” Bratton had been heralded by the msm as “America’s Top Cop” for the miraculous inroads he’d seemingly made against crime in new york city.

In the following re-print, I have changed “illegal immigrant” to the legal term, “illegal alien.”



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April 06, 2007

LAPD: "We Don't Get into" Immigration Status of Christmas Story Director's Killer

By Nicholas Stix

At 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 4, Bob Clark, the 67-year-old director of the Christmas movie classic A Christmas Story, and his 24-year-old son Ariel Hanrath-Clark, were killed when the Infiniti that Clark was driving was hit head on—by a drunk, unlicensed driver in a GMC Yukon driving in the wrong lane.

An AP story on the incident reported that "the driver of the other vehicle, Hector Velazquez-Nava, 24, of Los Angeles … will be booked for investigation of 'gross vehicular manslaughter' after being treated" for minor injuries at UCLA Medical Center, according to LAPD spokesman, Lt. Paul Vernon.

The AP story quoted Lt. Vernon as saying: "The initial investigation has concluded that Nava was driving without a license northbound in the southbound lanes while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage." [A Christmas Story' director, son killed in L.A. car crash, By Jeremiah Marquez, April 4, 2007]

A 29-year-old female companion riding with Velazquez-Nava also suffered minor injuries.

At the LAPD Media Relations Section, an Officer Hurty told me, "I think blood was drawn" from Velazquez-Nava, but that "we don't [have a blood alcohol level on him]," and "that's going to be part of evidence used in court" so "we don't want [unclear] releasing that."

And, I asked, do you know anything about [Velazquez-Nava's] immigration status? "No, we don't."

Do you plan on …, "No, we don't get into that." (Officer Hurty anticipated my question on immigration status; she must get a lot of that.)

[VDARE .COM note: See tonight's TL: A reader who emailed the LA Times found that, surprisingly, they were willing to look into Velazquez-Nava's status, but said that police might withhold the information.]

Let's see. A man with a Spanish name and no driver's license is so blasted that he drives into incoming traffic, kills two American citizens and almost kills his female companion.

What are the odds that he is a legal resident or American citizen?

Maybe it's time that the LAPD "got into that".

But the LAPD still enforces Special Order 40, the 1979 illegal ordinance instituted by the LA Police Commission and signed by then Chief Daryl Gates requiring that police officers not inquire into people's immigration status.

Thanks to S.O. 40, much of LA is today under the control of murderous illegal alien gangs and Los Angeles last year suffered 269 gang-related murders.

LAPD Chief Bill Bratton still defends S.O. 40. He insists that if police inquire about people's immigration status, no-one—i.e., no illegal aliens—will come forward to report crimes and bear witness against bad guys.

But, as Bratton [email him] has to know perfectly well, his sanctuary policies have emasculated the police and ceded sovereignty to the Hispanic gangs. So no illegals report crimes and bear witness against the gangs anyway—because they know that doing so will guarantee their death and the deaths of their loved ones.

And Bratton's own officers have for years complained about seeing known illegal alien gang-bangers on the streets but not being able to do anything until the gang-banger commits additional crimes, such as murdering someone.

Such a handcuffing of the police, which has no legal basis, is at the root not only of the LAPD's years-long impotence in solving murders, but of its role in enabling murderers to kill people in the first place. A sane policy would permit police to stop all known gang members on sight, make them show identification proving that they are legal residents or U.S. citizens, and detain them if they fail to do so.

(Identifying them is child's play. Gang members make it their business to identify themselves via gang tattoos, gang signs, and gang "tags" that they paint on private property in acts of vandalism.)

A video blog on Special Order 40 produced and posted last July 30 by the folks at Full Disclosure contains interviews held with current and former LAPD officials over the past few years. In one interview, host Leslie Dutton asks a uniformed LAPD official, "Why don't you enforce immigration laws?"

The official responds,

"Well, I think it's a basic human right. ["It" apparently refers to breaking America's immigration laws.] And what we've looked at in terms of the immigration status of somebody is that we have a tremendous melting pot in the City of Los Angeles and we recognize that there are a number of basic social issues that come to bear as a result of a number of people coming from a number of different nations, and as a result of that type of melting pot of atmosphere that we've seen in the City of Los Angeles, the city fathers, [E mail Mayor Villaraigosa] the City Council, our Police Commission has taken the attitude that what we want to do is provide services to everybody in the community, regardless of their undocumented status, and unless they break the law, we're not going to report things to INS. Where it's just the sole status of them being here illegally, we don't take that into consideration when we're enforcing the law."

Since when do uniformed police officers, who have taken an oath to enforce the laws of the United States, get to speak the foreign language of "human rights," and openly say that they will refuse to enforce the nation's laws?

It would have been one thing if the LAPD officer had simply said: "The politicians have ordered us not to enforce America's immigration laws, so the matter is out of our hands." But instead we get this shameless "human rights" sophistry.

Just imagine how far an American citizen would get with the same LAPD if he said he refused to follow written statutes because they violated his "human rights."

But, as Officer Hurty's response to me shows, the LAPD does not even follow its own pathetic guidelines. Even after the LAPD announced that Hector Velazquez-Nava was indeed guilty of crimes—of driving without a license, of reckless driving, of driving "while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage"—and that the Department will "book [him] for investigation of 'gross vehicular manslaughter'" once he is ready to be released from the hospital, it still has no interest in determining his immigration status.

As the Clark family just learned, the impact of illegal alien crime is not limited to gangs—or even to illegal entry to the country, illegally working, illegally driving or tax fraud. VDARE.COM's Brenda Walker has shown that Hispanic men in the American Southwest (anywhere from 25 to 50 percent of whom are illegal aliens) get arrested for drunk driving in proportions dwarfing the rest of the population—an almost four-to-one ratio in Austin, TX—but Hispanic men are much more often arrested in a condition of "extreme drunkenness".

Walker quoted "Assistant Dean at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Dallas Raul Caetano [who] put it this way, 'The profile of a drunk driver in California is a young Hispanic male, and I bet you have a similar situation all over the Southwest.'" [Diversity Is Strength! It's Also…Drunk Driving]

As Walker observed:

"America's highways are becoming far more dangerous because of cultural differences-unassimilated foreigners who believe that knocking down 10 beers before hitting the road is no problema. And drunk driving is an accepted behavior among Mexicans in particular."

The appalling truth is this: Due to President George W. Bush's national sanctuary/open borders/merge-with-Mexico policy, probably more Americans have been killed by illegal aliens in America than by insurgents in Iraq.

Didn't Bush swear to uphold American law?

Isn't that the LAPD's job, too?

Nicholas Stix [email him] lives in New York City, which he views from the perspective of its public transport system, experienced in his career as an educator. His weekly column appears at Men's News Daily and many other Web sites. He has also written for Middle American News, the New York Daily News, New York Post, Newsday, Chronicles, Ideas on Liberty and the Weekly Standard. He maintains two [several] blogs: A Different Drummer and Nicholas Stix, Uncensored [etc.].

Sellout crowd (19,000?) fills Madison square garden for Trump rally

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 10:18:00 p.m. edt

Sellout crowd (19,000?) fills Madison square garden for Trump rally

“(cbs noise) with just nine days to go until election day, a new cbs noise poll has the two presidential candidates neck and neck, with [fake] vice president Kamala Harris at 50% and Trump at 49% among likely voters. in battleground states, both are polling at 50%.

“the focus of the respective campaigns has been on issues including immigration, the war between Israel and hummus, and crime.

“President Trump, J.D. Vance, Elon Musk and Melania Trump spoke at sunday’s rally, which marked a detour from the battleground states for Trump. when Trump entered the arena there was applause, a standing ovation, and the crowd started chanting. every seat appeared to be filled, from the floor to the highest sections.

“in his remarks, Trump framed vice president Kamala Harris as a ‘trainwreck,’ and said electing her would, ‘gamble with the lives of millions.

“his speech included familiar campaign lines about immigration, his deportation plans, crime and the border, [sic]

“republican presidential nominee, former [sic] U.S. President Donald [?] among those who took the stage before the former [sic] president spoke were vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance and billionaire supporter Elon Musk.

“in a surprise, Melania Trump also made an appearance and introduced her husband. it was her first public political speech of this campaign cycle and the first time she has introduced her husband at an event this cycle. mrs. Trump has largely stayed away from campaigning this year, appearing with her husband only a handful of times throughout Trump’s third presidential run.

“other speakers included Robert F. Kennedy Jr., former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani, tv personality dr. Phil McGraw, house speaker Mike Johnson, Trump’s sons Eric and Donald Jr., and Staten island activist Scott LoBaido.

“‘President Trump grew up here. he’s a new yorker,’ Giuliani said. ‘that’s why people get a little bit annoyed at him. he speaks his mind.’”


"Bezos made decision to block Harris endorsement in Washington post"

By N.S.

"former eagle pass detective sentenced to 10 years in prison for running illegal alien stash houses"

By A Texas Reader
friday, october 25, 2024 at 09:11:13 a.m. edt

"former eagle pass detective sentenced to 10 years in prison for running migrant [sic] stash houses"

"'wow, incredible': senator says the President has 'a good chance' of winning state of new york in presidential race"

By N.S.

fema and its camps in north Carolina

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 04:06:21 a.m. edt

"fema has been building permanent camps in the areas of north Carolina devastated by hurricane helene. the sight would have you believe the federal government is bringing the full weight of its power to bear to assist the hurricane victims, but evidence on..."

gypsies, tramps, and thieves!: 8 arrested in Montgomery county linked to romanian burglary ring

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 09:53:13 p.m. edt

8 arrested in Montgomery county linked to romanian burglary ring: police


They are gypsies, also known as roma.

From india (originally).

Kamala Harris's kinfolk.

N.S.: The gypsies are a criminal ethnicity, who for the past generation have demanded, along with their communist/racial-socialist allies, that normal White people call them "roma" and "sinti." Part of their rise through racist politics has been through the creation of a holocaust myth, whereby the nazis slaughtered untold numbers of them and homosexuals in the death camps.

Trick or treat! bang, bang! man shot to death at southwest Houston halloween party

By A Texas Reader
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 09:46:15 p.m. edt

"man shot to death at southwest Houston halloween party, police say police said some kind of fight broke out at the party and shots were fired. a man, approximately 19 years old, was pronounced dead at the scene."

south korean calls some n-----s, n-----s (video)

By R.C.

sunday, october 27, 2024 at 08:47:22 p.m. edt

south korean calls some niggers, niggers. 😂😂

Sounds like chigger.

Which is a chinese....

N.S.: The blacks are so used to black racial privilege that they expect the south korean cops to arrest the south korean, who hasn't committed any crime.

24 killed after bus collides with trailer that detached from truck in mexico

By A Texas Reader
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 10:06:07 a.m. edt

24 killed after bus collides with trailer that detached from truck in mexico

“massive new fema camp pops up 'overnight' in Candler, nC”

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 04:03:41 p.m. edt

"massive new fema camp pops up “overnight” in Candler, nC – Ann Vandersteel exposes the truth"

Dateline Houston: multiple gang shooters opened fire on as many as 35 bargoers leaving a saloon at closing time; casualty figures not yet released

By A Texas Reader
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 11:08:38 a.m. edt

"Hpd officers responded to a large scene on the north freeway around 2:45 a.m. on sunday at tequila b's bar near calvacade. officials said it is believed multiple suspects opened fire on a crowd of at least 25-35 people who were filing out as the bar was

german voters allow record number of "rapefugees" into country

By "W"

german voters allow record # "rapefugees" into country

they have had years to vote for AfD and other critics of "refugee" horrors, but a majority still votes for the "pro"-dusky dieversity parties:

"new york times runs huge free campaign ad for the President"

By N.S.

Just hours after a black man had married the mother of some of his children, another black man murdered him

By A Texas Reader
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 12:00:59 p.m. edt

"groom killed hours after wedding in north Carolina road rage shooting: 'stolen away from us'"

How do you celebrate homecoming? Well, if you're black, you do it with a mass murder

By A Texas Reader
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 12:02:10 p.m. edt

"3 killed, 8 injured in shooting after homecoming football game in mississippi"

N.S.: To our legions of communist/racial socialist readers, no, I didn't bother checking the article. What were the shooters supposed to be, eskimos?

“The gambler’s” (Ohtani’s) shoulder injury—will he have to fold ‘em in world series? (musical accompaniment)

Kenny Rogers: "The Gambler"

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 9:42:00 a.m. edt

“(cbs sports) los angeles – the celebration at dodger stadium after game 2 of the world series was not one of a dodgers team that just took a 2-0 series lead, but rather one of concern after Shohei Ohtani suffered a potentially serious injury late in the game.

[N.S.: Dodger stadium, that’s at Ebbets field, in brooklyn. So, why is the dateline “los angeles”?]

“in the eighth inning, Ohtani slid feet first into second base and came up clutching his left arm before leaving with a trainer. manager Dave Roberts said after the game that Ohtani was going for more testing, but called the injury a left shoulder subluxation. what is that, exactly?

“according to Johns Hopkins, ‘a shoulder subluxation occurs when the humerus partially slides in and out of place quickly.’

“the humerus is the bone between our elbow and shoulder, which is surrounded by the biceps and triceps. the end of the humerus is shaped like a ball and loads into the shoulder, which serves as a socket-type mechanism.

“traditionally, we hear about shoulders being ‘separated’ or ‘dislocated.’ those are two different terms that generally are used to mean the same thing, but a subluxation is different. how does a subluxation compare to a dislocation? I asked Dr. Rodney Benner, an orthopedic surgeon in indianapolis.

“‘a dislocation is when the ball comes out of the socket completely, often getting locked outside the joint and having to be reduced or put back into place,’ Benner told cbs sports. ‘a subluxation is a partial dislocation, in which the ball comes partially out of the socket but not completely, and goes back in on its own.

“in 2021, the padres’ Fernando Tatis Jr. [sic, missing verb] at least four subluxations of his left shoulder, then opted against surgery to repair a torn labrum. he eventually went under the knife while serving a suspension for a banned substance. while it’s entirely unclear if that’s the path Ohtani faces, the humerus popping itself back in does not necessarily resolve all issues completely.

“the bottom line here is that while Roberts said he was ‘encouraged’ by the early testing, even a compromised Ohtani is a huge blow to the dodgers.”

GRA: 24 Hours From Tulsa (I mean New York) to find out whether “the Gambler” is able to hold ‘em or fold ‘em.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 6:20:00 p.m. edt

abc noise:

Ohtani cleared to play.

GRA: How well, is the question.


Gene Pitney singing Bacharach & David's first hit, "24 hours from tulsa"

Is this a bLACK whopper? Stay tuned

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 9:07:00 a.m. edt

“grand rapids, mich. (wood) — police in grand rapids are investigating after a 2-year-old allegedly shot themselves [sic; was this a two-headed two-year-old, or a headless media operative?!] with a gun saturday morning.

“the grand rapids police department responded to a home on prospect avenue near crescent street around 10 a.m. [GRA: Probably 30-50% black area.) the injured [sic] child was taken to a nearby hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

“according to police, the father of the child told investigators that the gun involved was safely stored, but investigators are still working to confirm that.

GRA: “Safely stored”? Obviously not. “Father?” Is the family “black?” Stay tuned.


"a cross-examination for the ages?" A criminal trial in illinois, and its connection to the central park five hoax shake-down suit against President Trump

By N.S. (See my note at the end)
sunday, october 27, 2024 at 09:09:12 a.m. edt

"a cross-examination for the ages?" [crook county state's attorney Kimberly] "Foxx's administration is an archetype of how the left runs their institutions: if you go along with the party line, we will not only leave you alone—we will even promote you, no matter if you have a long record of potential [possible] corruption or mere incompetence. but if you oppose us, like threatening our native form of lawfare called the exoneration movement, we will unleash attacks that could find you facing the criminal courts or, at the very least, the civil courts."

"chicago attorney James McKay turns the table on defense attorney in infamous police murder case…"

"news and commentary about chicago you won't get from the mainstream news"

"if Americans want to understand what is at stake in the upcoming presidential election, they should have attended the criminal trial of two former cook county prosecutors in rolling meadows last week.

"and as they watched the trial, they should have kept in mind the recent announcement that five men from new york have filed a defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump for Trump's statement condemning a settlement made by the city of new york to the men known as the central park five.

"the central park five had claimed, with the help of prominent political critics like [career criminal] Al Sharpton, that they were innocent of the 1989 vicious gang rape and beating of a woman in central park, one in which she was not expected to survive. the woman beat the odds but has been left permanently disabled from the wounds she received. she also has no recollection of the attack against her.

"When the settlement was announced, Trump took out a full-page ad condemning it, echoing the conviction of many cops and prosecutors familiar with the case that the men were, in fact, guilty and should not have received a dime. in rejecting the claims of the five men, Trump announced that he had spoken to the investigating detectives in the case.

"so what do Donald Trump and the central park five have to do with a trial currently underway in Rolling Meadows?

"well, a lot, really.

"the trial in rolling meadows is the culmination of a decades-long crusade by chicago's radical left to free one of the city's most notorious criminals, Jackie Wilson, for his role in the 1982 murder of two police officers during a traffic stop on the city's South Side, and also to punish anyone who was involved in investigating and prosecuting Wilson. and what better trophy could there be than convicting two prosecutors in Cook county: Nick Trutenko, who successfully prosecuted Jackie Wilson, and Andrew Horvat, who represented Trutenko.

"the crimes alleged against Trutenko and Horvat? special prosecutors appointed in the criminal trial against Wilson—not Foxx's prosecutors but special ones, private attorneys appointed to the task—stated in court that they could not find a key jailhouse witness from Britain who had testified in a previous trial that Jackie Wilson and his brother Andrew admitted to the killings. The prosecutors said this witness, William Coleman, may be deceased. But attorneys for Wilson discovered that he was alive and that Trutenko was in contact with him, so much so that Trutenko became godfather to Coleman's child years after Trutenko's prosecution of Wilson had ended and while Trutenko was in private practice.

"on the one hand, special prosecutors alleged that the witness Coleman could not be found and might be deceased. on the other, Trutenko was in contact with Coleman. that's the muddy soil upon which the case against Trutenko and his colleague Horvat was constructed.

"so it goes in chicago. A police killer gets set free and the attorneys who prosecuted him are criminally charged.

"the two long-serving attorneys now join a collection of other fellow prosecutors facing allegations in either the civil or criminal courts since the radical left got their ally, Kimberly Foxx, elected as Cook county state's attorney and shifted the lawfare against public servants like cops, prosecutors, and judges into overdrive.

"Foxx's administration is an archetype of how the left runs their institutions: If you go along with the party line, we will not only leave you alone—we will even promote you, no matter if you have a long record of potential [possible] corruption or mere incompetence. but if you oppose us, like threatening our native form of lawfare called the exoneration movement, we will unleash attacks that could find you facing the criminal courts or, at the very least, the civil courts.

"the justice system wasn't supposed to work this way. Jackie and his brother, co-offender Andrew Wilson, were supposed to spend the rest of their lives in prison. Jackie Wilson found his way not only to freedom, but also gained vast riches through a federal lawsuit naming a host of esteemed public servants who worked in some capacity to investigate and convict him, a fact that signifies the collapse of the justice system in chicago. and this collapse has spread throughout the country, even to President Trump for daring to oppose the central park five settlement.

"Wilson's sordid path to freedom, then, is the story of how the American left operates and slowly takes control of the justice system. while it now wraps itself in the guise of social justice and equity, it is the same American left that since the mid-1960s has advocated and engaged in violent attacks, formed alliances with some of the worst political leaders in the world, and openly advocated for the overthrow of the justice system. they are now deeply embedded in American institutions. their strategy of turning vicious criminals into a kind of political prisoner and victim is employed far and wide throughout the country, now even against a former president. despite the overwhelming evidence that the five men were involved in the attack in central park, they were nevertheless paraded before the public at the democratic national convention shortly before the lawsuit against Donald Trump was announced.

"this strategy of using criminals for lawfare is based upon one key ally in the movement: the American media. Foxx, advocates for the central park five, and everyone involved in the exoneration game cannot move forward without knowing that the media will abandon every tenet of journalistic ethics in its collusion with the movement.

"no one knows these facts better than Trutenko, Horvat, and a host of prosecutors now aching for Foxx to leave office in december, hoping she will face the kind of legal scrutiny they have. they know that even if Trutenko and Horvat are likely to prevail at trial, they have already undergone the 'process is the punishment' attack that the American left wages against their political enemies, often supported by the wealth they have accumulated through lawsuits paid by taxpayers.

"prosecutors, judges, and cops watch their machinations from a distance and hope it doesn't come their way. they want to keep their pensions. they want to keep their income. they have families. they cannot afford defending themselves against law firms with deep pockets. so they surrender and go along with the party line.

"in the rolling meadows courtroom last week, a vivid and compelling cross-examination by James McKay, one of the attorneys representing Trutenko, took shape. if only Trump could have been there or, better yet, whoever it is Trump is thinking of appointing as US attorney general should he prevail in the next election in the face of the inevitable cheating the democrats will employ.

"there is no more crucial position in the country than the next attorney general, for the department of justice is the only hope to save the American system. after the last ten years, Trump knows both as president and from watching horror shows like the central park five being made rich, paraded at the democratic national convention, and then filing a lawsuit against him, just how dangerously corrupt the justice system has become.

"the potential attorney general could have watched attorney James McKay call the defense attorney representing Jackie Wilson, Elliot Slosar, to the stand at the rolling meadows courtroom and engaging him in a tense, often hostile cross-examination. in his questioning, McKay described what he called a 'setup' of Trutenko when Trutenko testified in the last criminal trial against Wilson about Trutenko's relationship to witness William Coleman.

"McKay suggested Slosar violated the rules of evidence when he didn't turn over to special prosecutors a crucial baptismal certificate showing that Trutenko was godfather to Coleman's daughter. McKay's line of questioning implied that Slosar kept this evidence from prosecutors in the hopes of a big 'aha' moment when the document was revealed in court—a moment that Slosar assumed would have compelled Trutenko to lie about his relationship to Coleman in an effort to protect the special prosecutors from their errant claims that Coleman could not be located.

"Trutenko didn't lie on the stand about knowing Coleman. in fact, he admitted an email exchange a few days before the trial, but the unearthing of the certificate was enough for the humiliated special prosecutors who said Coleman might be deceased to suddenly drop charges against Wilson and set him free, prohibited from being charged again. within hours of testifying, Trutenko was fired by Cook county state's attorney Kim Foxx. a bizarre attack alleged Trutenko had somehow committed some kind of misconduct and had misled the court. a new special prosecutor was appointed. that special prosecutor charged Trutenko and Horvat. the freed Wilson filed a civil lawsuit that eventually made him rich.

"during Slosar's testimony, Wilson filed into the courtroom and took a seat in the gallery, a man who was supposed to spend the rest of his life in prison now completely free and rich, while Trutenko and Horvat sat behind their defense attorneys, enduring the day-after-day drudgery of a criminal trial. in a little while, Wilson fell asleep and began snoring, so the sheriffs told him he had to leave.

"in his cross-examination, McKay turned the tables on Slosar and the entire case against Trutenko. in pointing to Slosar's failure to turn over the key baptismal certificate to special prosecutors before the trial, McKay painted a theory that it was Slosar who hid the evidence from special prosecutors as part of a 'setup' of Trutenko. Slosar denied it.

"McKay's cross-examination didn't hit with the media. whenever there is a bombshell attack on some narrative they have cooked up with defense attorneys and Kim Foxx, the obedient little scribes ignore it. the cross-examination will likely never get much attention, at most it will be relegated to a few sentences of intended media ambiguity.

"but the brilliant cross-examination is on record and preserved should a federal attorney general or his staff like to take a look at it."

"a cross-examination for the ages?"

N.S.: I think Marty Preib is confused about the full-page ad Donald Trump took out in the new york papers. That was in late april, 1989, as the central park jogger, Trisha Meili, lay in a coma in the hospital, and her doctors never expected her to come out of it. The case was known not as "the central park five" case, but as "the central park jogger" case.

Beginning over 60 years ago, the communist/racial socialist left has succeeded at imposing a reversal of morality and reality on the country, with the implicit support of the republican party, which has done nothing to fight it. And so, the five perps in question, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, Korey/Karey (he used a different spelling, in order to fool people) Wise, Antron McCray and Kevin Richardson went from being heinous criminals to being depicted as "victims" who had been "exonerated," which had never happened.

"north korea ending south korea ceasefire & entering ukraine-russia conflict shows nato proxy wars pushed globe to brink of wwiii"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat


mexicans invading the United States?


But koreans "invading" the ukraine?

Is this a job that russians won't do?

Asking for George "Dubya" Bush.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

"each case followed a similar fact pattern: thieves target unsuspecting, often older victims of southeast asian descent"

By A Texas Reader
friday, october 25, 2024 at 09:35:16 a.m. edt

"each case followed a similar fact pattern: thieves target unsuspecting, often older victims of southeast asian descent"

"Frisco faces another wave of jewelry thefts"

Serves 'em right for owning cheap ass Patel "no tell" motels.

Soiled sheets included.

"bronze poop statue memorializing jan. 6 rioters appears on national mall"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
friday, october 25, 2024 at 10:08:00 a.m. edt

Hey Nancy, is that your daily dish of chocolate ice cream?

"a black woman invented home security; why did it go so wrong?"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
friday, october 25, 2024 at 11:17:08 a.m. edt

"a black woman invented home security; why did it go so wrong"

"surveillance systems, no matter the intention, will always exist to serve power."

More horses--t.

Home security systems are NOT needed in lily-white 'hoods.

I know this as I grew up in a lily white 'hood.

Nothing ever happened related to crime in this 'hood.


"Neiman Marcus scrubs the word 'Christmas' from iconic 98-year-old holiday gift catalog"

friday, october 25, 2024 at 12:21:51 p.m. edt

"Neiman Marcus scrubs the word 'Christmas' from iconic 98-year-old holiday gift catalog"


I miss VDARE's annual Christmas contest.

I gave away all the champagne I received for winning VDARE's "war on Christmas" contest many years ago.

"moment woman takes shocking revenge on 'lovecheat undocumented [sic] boyfriend'"

By A Texas Reader
friday, october 25, 2024 at 01:12:27 p.m. edt

"moment woman takes shocking revenge on 'lovecheat undocumented [sic] boyfriend'"

"a tiktoker from texas went viral after revealing she nearly deported her undocumented boyfriend to mexico after discovering on his cellphone that he was cheating on her.

"blacks on why they are voting for Trump"

By R.C.
friday, october 25, 2024 at 04:38:43 p.m. edt

And he had the obligatory bull--it government job, too!

"tehran has threatened to target gulf states and other U.S. allies if their territories or airspace are used to attack iran"

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, october 25, 2024 at 9:58:00 p.m. edt

"(zh) tehran has threatened to target gulf states and other US allies if their territories or airspace are used to attack iran - while Israel assured the U.S. that it wouldn't strike iran's oil or nuclear facilities.

"as axios reports, U.S. and Israeli officials believe iran will respond militarily - but hope it will be 'constrained' in order to put an end to the tit-for-tat."

GRA: What do you call a level BELOW "War Lite?"


AR-15 style rifle found in trash can on NYC subway platform; ny post uses feminazi/trans English

AR-15 style rifle found in trash can on NYC subway platform: NYPD

A subway cleaner made a shocking find when they [sic] discovered a rifle in a trash can on a Lower Manhattan platform, cops said Saturday.

Here’s how HAARP creates and modifies extreme weather as a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION

Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 12:32:33 PM EDT

Here's how HAARP creates and modifies extreme weather as a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION

federal crime dodgers survive the yankees’ rally to take a 2-0 game lead in asterisk series—win 4-2; the gambler, Pete Rose, er, correct that, Shohei Ohtani, hurts shoulder on a failed stolen base attempt (detailed, exclusive, GRA wrap-up!)

Last chance for the yanks—top of the ninth, heart of the order—down 4-1. Ohtani injured shoulder

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, october 26, 2024 at 10:52:00 p.m. edt

GRA: To what extent, who knows?

Yankees’ heart of the order coming up. Soto starts it with a double to right.


Yanks get one back—4-2
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, october 26, 2024 at 10:57:00 p.m. edt

Stanton rifles a liner OFF the 3rd base bag—Soto scores. Score is 4-2 with one out in the ninth.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, october 26, 2024 at 11:01:00 p.m. edt

Yanks trying to rally; two on, one out and ex-cub Rizzo at the plate GRA: The pitcher looks hittable IF the hitters can lay off the curve ball outside the strike zone.


Bases loaded...two pitcher...this is the ‘ol ballgame By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, october 26, 2024 at 11:07:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Pretty good game.


dodgers survive the yankees’ rally to take a 2-0 game lead—win 4-2 saturday, october 26, 2024 at 11:12:00 p.m. edt

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

GRA: Now we have to listen to the interpreter being interviewed--in lieu of the Jap pitcher speaking English.


Will wonders never cease?! Illegally elected, black supremacist, nation of islam nyc "mayor Eric Adams refutes [sic] Kamala Harris, says Trump is not a fascist as he urges dems to ‘dial down the temperature’"

By N.S.

"mayor Adams refutes [sic] Kamala Harris, says Trump is not a fascist as he urges Dems to ‘dial down the temperature’"

"Harris’ campaign this week put out more than a dozen press releases further harping on the claims Kelly made about his private conversations with Trump."

Is Adams shopping for a presidential pardon, in case the President gets elected a third straight time?

How election was stolen (graphic graphic; not humorous)

By N.S.

Early home runs jump-start crime dodgers to a 4-1 lead in the sixth

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, october 26, 2024 at 9:58:00 p.m. edt

Early home runs jump-start crime dodgers to a 4-1 lead in the sixth

GRA: Hernandez and Freeman (again) go the distance for the home team, Soto for the yanks--their only hit.


World series error: John Smoltz engages inn disinformation during game 2

By N.S.

Hall of famer John Smoltz, whose favorite line is, “You really don’t know, if you haven’t been there,” was comparing the low inning counts typical of today’s starting pitchers (almost never 200 or more innings) with those of their predecessors, and asked the audience how many innings Sandy Koufax ever pitched in a season. I immediately knew he was wrong. Smoltz said, “357 innings.”

The most innings Koufax ever pitched in a regular season was 335 2/3, in 1965, his penultimate season.

So, maybe Smoltzie meant, including the World Series? Still wrong. In the 1965 World Series, Sandy Koufax started three games, went 2-1, with two shutouts, giving up only one earned run (plus one unearned run), and pitched 24 innings (he was series MVP for the second time, while getting his fourth ring), for a total of 359 2/3 that year.

"arizona governnor, er, senate candidate Kari Lake responds to Bill Clinton's 'compliment' with a zinger"

“This is war!”—iran responds, cvommensurately, to Israel’s friday bombing, by shooting pebbles from two slingshots at tel aviv; Israel weighs options

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, october 26, 2024 at 12:46:00 p.m. edt

(GRA) Israel sent missiles towards iranian cities and military areas friday evening, but shortly thereafter, it was over—with little damage reported.

In response to Israel’s offensive, iran—as promised—launched a counterattack that the iranian government said, “would equal Israel’s aggression on our country”—and did so—by shooting a few pebbles from slingshots made by an iranian 12-year-old. The pebbles fell far short of the Israeli border.

“‘we hope that our powerful response shows the Israelis that they can expect iran’s military to quickly counter any and all future aggression towards us,’ the Ayatollah Komeni announced.

Israel then warned of a similar tit-for-tat counterattack, and was weighing such options as throwing snowballs—imported from the north pole—or having catapults shoot water balloons—made in taiwan—towards tehran.

“This is WAR,” said a spokesman for Benjamin Netanyahu.

GRA: I’m not saying this is the most feckless war in history—but it’s got to be in the top two.


Obituary-shopping, almost 88-year-old, pc plagiarist, Ridley Scott, felt the need to take a cheap shot at the President

saturday, october 26, 2024 at 3:19:00  a.m. edt

Ridley Scott:


Fed judge orders Virginia to restore 1,600 people to voter rolls

By N.S.

"Keith Olbermann calls for Elon Musk’s ‘immediate’ arrest: ‘lock him away in a military facility’"

By N.S.

The 2024 asterisk world series, game 2, starts officially at 8:08 p.m. tonight, pitting the federal crime dodgers, starring the gambler, against the new york yankees

By N.S.

Marital joke (graphic)

Re-posted by N.S. A tip 'o the hate to Wombat17 @gab.

The “creative” team that made Alien (1979) (Ridley Scott, Dan O’Bannon, Ronald Shusett and H.R. Giger) was a gang of shameless plagiarists

saturday, october 26, 2024 at 4:18:00 a.m. edt

Recently watched a movie I hadn’t seen for some time, Planet of the Vampires, an Italian flick directed by the erratic Mario Bava (1965, released here in 1967- I actually saw it when it came out, on a double bill with The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre!).

Well, it wasn’t so hot, BUT I’m bringing it up because it was blatantly ripped off by Alien! The concept of astronauts lured to a planet by a distress call is there, followed by aliens taking over human bodies, and the kicker is a scene where the astronauts discover the body of a huge dead creature in a space vehicle, definitely “borrowed” for the later movie. Bava was also a production designer, and the look of his movie must have influenced both Scott and Alien designer, H.R. Giger. Of course, Alien was the better movie-and Cameron’s sequel, Aliens (1986), even better-and that one ripped off about a DOZEN other movies!


"Virginia federal judge ordered to stop the purge of non us citizens and they be put back on the voter rolls"

Re-posted by N.S.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Two classic nyc newspaper headlines:

By A Longtime Reader
friday, october 25, 2024 at 10:29:00 p.m. edt

Two classic nyc newspaper headlines:

“Ford to City, Drop Dead,” NY Daily News, Oct. 30, 1975 (managing editor William Brink)

“Headless Body in Topless Bar,” NY Post, Apr. 15, 1983 (the recently departed V.A. Musetto)

Bill Gates’ “days are numbered,” say japanese scientists after abortion drugs founbd in “vaccines”

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
friday, october 25, 2024 at 09:13:35 p.m. edt

"ms-13 gang member charged in Sterling double murder"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
friday, october 25, 2024 at 09:20:56 p.m. edt

"ms-13 gang member charged in Sterling double murder, Loudoun sheriff says"

world series, game one: the gambler fails in the tenth, Freeman hit a grand slam for the federal crime dodgers; they win, 6-3

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

GRA: Evoking images of Kirk Gibson, injured Freddie Freeman hit a grand salami in the tenth, to push the dodgers to a 6-3 win friday night over the visiting n.y. yankees.


More white replacement news: wheel of fortune is also going black!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, october 25, 2024 at 10:23:00 p.m. edt

GRA: I’ve been catching the show lately and noticed this week, that two of the five days, blacks were chosen to be the majority (2) contestants, with only one Whitey included.

I thought when Pat Sajak left and the new host, Ryan Seacrest took over, the show would start increasing the ratio of blacks from 1:3 to 2:3. I believed Sajak was not a woke kind of guy and would not go along with a 2-1 blackie/Whitey contestant setup.

Seacrest? Why NOT—in spite of blacks being only 13-20% (officially, 13.6%) of the United States—load ‘em up on wheel.

More White replacement in progress.


gladiator 2: niggas in rome

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, october 25, 2024 at 9:32:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Twenty three years ago, Russell Crowe received an Oscar for Gladiator,a popular and critically acclaimed film (which I didn’t see).

Here in 2024, Ridley Scott, director of the 2001 epic, resurrects the roman theme, but with one mandatory (it seems) addition: bLACKS.

From the trailer I viewed, rome looked more like the cast of the jeffersons and among the updated demographics, Denzel Washington plays an arms dealer, Macrinus. Other blacks were seen in the clips I viewed and as I looked on-line, there was plenty of b(l)acklash against rap music being part of the soundtrack. Other criticisms by critics—both pro and amatuer—concerned the blackwashing of history, by the film industry.

“what we’re seeing here is an obvious ‘affirmative action’ replacement of Whites by blacks, in areas of the world, where blacks would not likely be seen, if the movie was made in a realistic way.”

This movie opens november 15th.

Ridley Scott defended the casting, calling the movie—“fiction.”

And ridiculously, racially woke.


1974 World Series (continued)

thursday, october 17, 2024 at 1:08:00 a.m. edt

Don’t know if there’s any interest out there, but since I started this...

1974 World Series (continued):

Game 3, Tuesday- An improvement, much better paced. Catfish Hunter dominated and Fingers (great name for a pitcher!) wrapped it up again, though the Dodgers got a home run off each of them, adding some late-game suspense. It ended as another 3-2 score, a win for Oakland. Per TV GUIDE, Charlie Finley was pushing as far back as 1963 for weekday Series games to be played at night, and it finally game to pass. His unfulfilled wishes included orange baseballs, multi-colored bases and basepaths, and bright uniforms for umpires instead of “the undertaker look.” He also was all for the DH, one of the small steps toward the ruination of baseball, which was NOT used in the Series this year.

The Oakland announcer was easier to listen to than Vin Scully, the faster pace allowed less room for verbiage, and Gowdy was tolerable and caught my attention when he said a player had “an accidental hunting accident”- sounds like something Yogi would come up with!

Game 4, Wednesday-Finally, an exciting game! The Dodgers seemed to come to life and took an early lead, though A’s pitcher Holtzman got a home run-a rare event that obviously couldn’t have happened if the DH rule had been in effect (serendipity is one of the joys of baseball that such rules destroy). The A’s broke loose in the 6th inning and, in my estimation, Dodger boss Walter Alston-looking old and tired-was way too lethargic, and left the starting pitcher in too long. Four runs for the A’s, game over, a 6-2 win. Some errors again on both sides, but also some sharp plays, more World Series caliber play than has been evident so far. More tomorrow!


Garrison: money for the ukraine, but none for American hurricane victims (graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.

Branco: the two parties' platforms (graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.

lefties are losing their minds, over the washington post's refusal to endorse fake veep Kamala Harris (graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.

Crime movies: TCM’s Film Noir of the Week Saturday Night-Sunday Morning at Midnight and 10 a.m. ET is Byron Haskin, Theodore Reeves, Robert Smith, John Bright and Charles Schnee’s I Walk Alone (1948), with Burt Lancaster, Lizabeth Scott, Kirk Douglas, Wendell Corey, Mike Mazurki, Kristine Miller and Marc Lawrence

[“See Lizabeth Scott Put in Her Bid for the Title of Queen Femme Fatale, and Dan Duryea Put in His Bid as King of the Heavies! Byron Haskin’s Too Late for Tears (1949), with Scott, Duryea, Don DeFore, Arthur Kennedy and Kristine Miller.”]

By David in TN
friday, october 25, 2024 at 7:40:00 p.m. edt

TCM’s Film Noir of the Week Saturday Night-Sunday Morning at Midnight and 10 a.m. ET is Byron Haskin’s I Walk Alone (1948), with Burt Lancaster, Lizabeth Scott, Kirk Douglas, Wendell Corey, Mike Mazurki, Kristine Miller and Marc Lawrence.

Film Noir Guide: “A cynical ex-con (Lancaster) is paroled after serving fourteen years on a murder charge. Because of a prior agreement with his former bootlegging partner (Douglas), Lancaster expects to return home as co-owner of a successful nightspot, The Regent Club. But double-crossing Douglas has other plans.

“Lancaster’s pal (Corey), a bookkeeper for Douglas, is guilt-stricken over his part in the double cross, and a sultry nightclub singer (Scott) falls for Lancaster after she learns what a heel boyfriend Douglas really is. Miller is the [stunning] society widow Douglas is planning to marry for ‘business reasons,’ [mountain of a man] noir veteran Mazurki is the club’s tough doorman and bouncer, and Lawrence is a bootlegger turned used car salesman.

“The excellent cast turns this average crime story into a fast-moving, entertaining noir. Corey is especially good as the morose bookkeeper.

David in TN: Yes, last week’s Too Late for Tears was a good one. This week Eddie Muller features a good film not previously on Noir Alley. Like last week, Byron Haskin directs and Lizabeth Scott and Kristine Miller are in the cast.

N.S.: Wendell Corey was a wonderful actor, who often played the voice of sanity (e.g., as Monty Clift’s friend in Fred Zinnermann’s The Search (1948), Jimmy Stewart’s warden in Carbine Williams (1952), and as his friend, in the Hitchcock masterpiece, Rear Window (1954). The conservative republican had 220 credits in his relatively short but hard-working career (someone sabotaged his page—I’m looking at you, Jon Hopkinson!), the vast majority of them in tv, where he starred in several single-season series.

Alas, privately, things were not so great, and Corey drank himself to death at 54 (1914-1968). He was married to the same woman, his Alice, for 11 days shy of 29 years, and left her with four children.

More on the Israeli counter-attack sabotaged by the illegal, anti-Semitic administration of fake president Joe Biden

[Breaking News: Israel Starts Bombing iran]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, october 25, 2024 at 7:57:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) Israel attacked iran early saturday morning local time with what it’s referred to as ‘precise strikes on iranian military targets,’ weeks after the islamic republic fired around 180 ballistic missiles towards Israel on oct. 1. blasts were reported near the headquarters of the iranian revolutionary guard.

“in a rare announcement, the Israeli military said its strikes are underway, and that their ‘offensive and defensive capabilities are fully mobilized.’”