Saturday, October 19, 2024

the pretend encyclopedia (aka wikipedia) dramatically diminished the number of crimes of a racist serial rapist/serial murderer, while depicting the monster as the victim of press “racism”; the msm echo it!

War crime victim Marguerite Estelle Worden

By Nicholas Stix

His name was Robert Nixon, aka Thomas Crosby, and I only heard about him for the first time a few days ago (on that, more anon). The first entry I found for him was at dbpedia, where I read an “abstract,” which declared Nixon a victim of media racism.

“Robert Nixon (July 19, 1919 – June 16, 1939) was an American serial killer, born in the small town of Tallulah, Louisiana, who confessed to five murders and multiple assaults, including the Los Angeles ‘brick bat murders’ of 1937. Depicted with racist imagery in the mainstream press after his arrest, he was given the nickname the ‘Brick Moron’ as he killed his victims with bricks and was depicted as dimwitted. Convicted of murder, he was executed in Chicago in 1939. Nixon served, in part, as the basis of the character of Bigger Thomas in Richard Wright's 1940 social protest novel Native Son.”

[If Native Son is a social protest novel, then so is The Turner Diaries!]

The racial socialists controlling dbpedia claim that it provides short versions of pretend encyclopedia entries.

The dbpedia entry for Robert Nixon is only 101 words long. However, the system of urls that follows it is many times that length. I hit the url to pretend entry.

On February 10, 2018, “Plamen1402” posted an “info box” with a photograph of Nixon taken by a press photographer when he was arrested, entering “Victims 3-5.”

That was to mislead people too lazy to read the entry, which cites the following named and nameless victims:

Florence Thompson Castle, 24, 1936 “a Caucasian nightclub hostess” (this was in order to mislead readers into believing that the other victims were non-Whites, but they all lived in racially segregated buildings or hotels; murdered (since Nixon/Crosby always raped his victims, I’m counting this as a rape); (Chicago)
Mrs. H. W. Koll January 25, 1937 “attacked” (typically a euphemism for raped)
Elizabeth Reis February 3, 1937 “fractured her skull” (since Nixon/Crosby always raped his victims, I’m counting this as a rape); (L.A.)
Rose Valdez March 2, 1937 raped and murdered (L.A.)
Edna A. Worden (age 48) and her daughter, Marguerite Estelle Worden (12) April 4, 1937 raped and murdered both (L.A.)
Zoe Damrell March 28, 1937 “attacked and nearly murdered” (he raped her and committed attempted murder)
Anna Kuchta raped and murdered 1937 (Chicago)
Florence Johnson May 27, 1938, “the Caucasian wife of a Chicago fireman” (this was in order to mislead readers into believing that the other victims were non-Whites, but they all lived in racially segregated buildings or hotels in racially segregated neighborhoods (murdered; unclear if Nixon or his accomplice had also raped the vic; he insisted that his accomplice, Earl Hicks, was the perp, but it was legally irrelevant)
Nixon also confessed to raping three other Chicago women

The wikipediots complain that the newspaper coverage was racist (which was for them the real issue), but the black nationalist weekly, the chicago defender (called “the chicago offender” by many of its readers, due to its poor editing), apparently didn’t say that, and instead criticized the White press coverage as “lurid and inflammatory.”

One pretend operative asserted, against the Chicago press, “The Chicago slayings were depicted as sex crimes, although sexual assault had not been a factor in the Windy City murders.”

According to the same entry, rape most certainly was a factor in the Chicago murders.

the offender acted as if Nixon/Crosby had NOT confessed to any crimes, including to the cops.

In the real world, as retired Chicago cop Marty Preib notes, black criminals love to brag about their crimes (e.g., Yusuf Salaam of the Central Park Five: “It was fun; it was something to do”).

When we read the complete current pretend entry, we are left with:

At least six murders of White women

At least one attempted murder of a White woman

At least nine rapes, and probably 11, of White women

At his Murderpedia Web site, the late, legendary Juan Ignacio Blanco wrote,

“Robert Nixon killed five women and injured one other in Chicago and Los Angeles from 1936 to 1938.

“His claim to fame was his very basic but odd choice of murder weapon. Bricks. Nixon was a career petty criminal that moved on to murder when he broke into the Chicago home of Florence Castle on June 29, 1936, and looted her house before bludgeoning her to death with his faithful brick.

“In the Spring of 1937 he continued his slayings in L.A., claiming three more lives, including a mother and daughter. He left one surviving victim.

“Nixon was arrested after returning to Chicago and killing his fifth and final victim on May 28, 1938. He confessed to the brick attacks and sentenced to death for the last Windy City slaying. Nixon was electrocuted on June 15, 1939.”

Blanco also re-posted, without comment, a June 5, 1938 Chicago Tribune newspaper story by Charles Leavelle, “Brick slayer is likened to jungle beast.”

“Brick slayer is likened to jungle beast

“By Charles Leavelle - The Chicago Tribune

“June 5, 1938

“Beneath an alley fire escape policemen and detectives stand three and four deep. From a fifth floor window others lean out and call: ‘Let him come.

“Handcuffs click. A slouchily dressed colored youth detaches himself from the crowd of detectives and begins making his way up the side of the building effortlessly. At the second floor, where the fire escape begins, he poises himself lightly and swings over on to it.

“‘Look at him go,’ says a policeman. ‘Just like an ape.

“By the time this has been said the youth has swung himself over the sill and is in the fifth floor room where two years ago he raped and murdered with a brick Mrs. Florence Thompson Castle. As detectives watch he shows in pantomime how he committed the crime, one of the five savage murders he has confessed.

Comes from Little Town.

“The Negro youth is Robert Nixon. He is 18 years old and comes from a pretty little town in the old south -- Tallulah, La. But there is nothing pretty about Robert Nixon. He has none of the charm of speech or manner that is characteristic of so many southern darkies.

“That charm is a mark of civilization, and so far as manner and appearance go, civilization has left Nixon practically untouched. His hunched shoulders and long, sinewy arms that dangle almost to his knees; his out-thrust head and catlike tread all suggest the animal.

“He is very black-- almost pure Negro. His physical characteristics suggest an earlier link in the species.”

An unsigned essay at Bartleby (paid registration required) lists Elizabeth Rice and Zoe Damrell among his murder victims, which would make for eight, and 18 rape victims.

In Nathan Marsak’s essay, “Life and Death of and in the Astoria,” at his blog, On Bunker Hill, he maintains that Nixon/Crosby murdered at least six females, and raped no fewer than 22. According to Marsak, the different numbers for Nixon/Crosby's murders and rapes were because he often forgot his trusty brick.

“Bigger Thomas” is an utterly ridiculous name, but perhaps there was some meaning, some code to it. “Bigger” rhymes with “n----r,” and there is a black tradition of the “bad n----r,” who defies White authority, and runs hogwild. Thus, “Bigger” would be a contraction of “bad n----r.”

All of the five “Biggers” who were Richard Wright’s models for “Bigger Thomas” were “bad n----rs.”

Current Chicago Tribune columnist Ron Grossman is indistinguishable from the pretend and dbpedia operatives. For Grossman, Robert Nixon, aka Thomas Crosby, was the victim of media racism, especially that of his own paper, long ago.

“The offensive news coverage that inspired ‘Native Son’”

“The 1938 murder of Florence Johnson was the kind of lurid story that would vex any newspaper editor. It was a sensational story, full of gruesome details, but one that its editors might eventually prefer disappear into the newsroom’s dusty archives.

“In this case, though, some of those details have lived on through the pages of Richard Wright’s 1940 classic, ‘Native Son,’ the first novel by an African-American author featured as a Book of the Month Club selection and one that is still found on high school and college reading lists. The fictional story of Bigger Thomas is based partially on the Chicago news accounts of Johnson’s murder — news accounts that are difficult to read today because of their racist tone.

Grossman is a liar in multiple ways. Only a radical leftwing editor would be “vexed” with such a crime. It would have run on the top of page one. And it was Robert Nixon, aka Thomas Crosby’s crimes that inspired Richard Wright. (Nixon only raped and murdered White girls and women.)

And it was through Richard Wright that I first learned about Nixon/Crosby.

At the wayback machine’s posting of Native Son, the text of a lecture Wright gave, “How Bigger was Born,” is also posted.

According to Wright, there were five real Bigger Thomases who inspired him to write his murderous, black monster. All were either boys or young men. All were thugs. But Richard Wright didn’t create Bigger Thomas out of revulsion towards the five Biggers. He embraced them. He speaks of a young negro man who got on the bus without paying, and when the White driver sought to collect his fare from him, pulled a knife on him. Wright said that the other black riders surely loved seeing a black man stick it to a White. Never mind that the thug would spend his life overwhelmingly harming blacks. If he occasionally humiliated or harmed a White, all his crimes against blacks were worth it to Richard Wright.

Of Nixon/Crosby, Wright says that he was one of the five Biggers, and that he paraphrased or quoted outright Chicago news reports on Nixon/Crosby’s crimes, but does not editorialize at all the way Grossman does about the press coverage. Grossman is even more pc, if that’s possible, than Wright!

Grossman does accurately quote a passage in which Wright dishonestly asserts that the police are constantly picking up random negroes, and charging them with rape, and getting them to confess to anything they want.

That was a blood libel, the kind that comes second nature to black supremacists like Richard Wright and media monsters like Ron Grossman. To that end, Grossman withheld from his readers that the police in Chicago and Los Angeles cracked the case, and determined that Nixon and Crosby were the same man through forensics: a fingerprint.

Although Wright did charge the fictional Bigger Thomas with two murders (though he tried to sell the first as accidental), he had a fall-back out: White racism is so pervasive that it “causes” black men like Bigger to commit heinous crimes. And Wright didn’t inform his listeners about the great quantity of Nixon/Crosby’s crimes.

Thus, Wright and Grossman insinuate that all violent, racist, black criminals are innocent.

Richard Wright was one of the godfathers of the racial profiling hoax, and the notion popularized by the murder cult, the nation of islam, that no black is obliged to obey "the White man's laws."

I wish I could say that Ron Grossman is unique, but he is a model of the banality of media evil. University j-schools churn out Ron Grossmans assembly-line style. If a journalism student reveals any honest or decent tendencies, he gets defamed and expelled, the way black supremacist journalism professor Tracy Owens Patton of the University of Iowa defamed and expelled student Jay Gardner already 20 years ago. (Teacher ed schools function the same way.)

Presently, the pretend encylopedia, the msm, and the antiversity are all equally dishonest and evil. A Gleichschaltung has been imposed.

‘Twasn’t always so. Consider the reportage on Nixon/Crosby in 1938, which Grossman condemns. The language was very strong, and in my liberal past, I am sure I would also have condemned it. Now I believe that it is commendable. Decent people of all levels of education are supposed to react to a Robert Nixon with outrage. It is the people like Richard Wright and Ron Grossman who are the perverse ones, the evil racists.

This is a long, sordid story that goes back over 100 years, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that apologists for racist, black cut-throats set up political strongholds in all major American institutions.

Circa 1960, leading institutions openly committed a reversal of reality and morality. “Experts” spoke of racist, black serial killers as the victims of “police terror.” I shall have to put this matter off for a later essay or ten.

war criminal Robert Nixon

"Robert Nixon, seated left, and Earl Hicks, seated right, sign murder confessions before three grand jurors in Chief of Detective John L. Sullivan's office at Detective Bureau offices in 1938. The jurors are Charles H. E. Arnold, William Caunt and Timothy Deneen." N.S.: The above photo would, for Ron Grossman, embody the quintessence of White supremacism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Revisionist negro history has been planned and ongoing for some time. They ought to have a clean slate in a couple decades.