Friday, October 04, 2024

The mysteries of “community guidelines”

By N.S.

While searching for another item, I stumbled across one from October 11, 2021, that had a red zero with a line through it, which was listed as a “draft.”

When I opened the draft, the following message was at the bottom of the page:

“This post was unpublished because it violates Blogger Community Guidelines. To republish, please update the content to adhere to guidelines.”

As is always the case, whether at google, aol, or other media outlets, one is never told how, specifically, one has violated said guidelines, making it impossible to re-write one’s comment or item, in order to conform to the mysterious guidelines.

The purpose of referring to mysterious “guidelines” is, as I have said for years, to intimidate people into an endless loop of self-censorship, whereby they become namby-pambies who say nothing of substance, e.g., republicans.

GRA’s complete item follows below, if I can get it through. Note that it deals with vaxx lethality.

"14.6 Times More Likely to Die after Vaccine—Israeli Data"

[“Fully Vaxxed Australian Olympic Swimmer Gets the Chinabug.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 12:34:00 P.M. EDT

(Lew We know from this meticulous independent analysis of Israeli Government health data that someone who gets the Pfizer mRNA jab is 14.6 times more likely to die in the next weeks than someone in a statistically matched group who doesn’t get jabbed. That’s 14.6 times more likely to die per day.

That means the mRNA jabs would have to protect you 100% from COVID death for nearly three years for them to be a break-even proposition. You know the jabs don’t protect you for three years, because they’re already telling you you need to risk another jab and it hasn’t even been one year.

But it’s worse than that. This analysis doesn’t include the many vaccine side-effects because the official Israeli records don’t include them. While many of these side-effects may not kill you, they may leave you crippled in various ways and mark you for life. Bell’s Palsey, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, stroke, heart inflammation, etc., for just a few examples.

And what happens after those dangerous initial weeks?

We don’t know for sure, because there aren’t even those meticulous Israeli Government vaccine-related death records after that initial period.

We can, however, get a pretty good idea from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and equivalent EURO data bases where some — best estimate, only about 10% — of the vaccine related deaths and side-effects are reported. Even that meager 10% reported through VAERS alone shows completely unprecedented levels of vaccine related injury and death – – –

VAERS data released Friday [August 24, 2021] by the CDC showed a total of 623,343 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 13,627 deaths [an increase of 559 over the data released last week] and 84,466 serious injuries [up 3,416 compared with the previous week] between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021. –COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week

Based on the VAERS 10% factor, those figures imply 6,233,430 adverse vaccine events, 844,660 serious injuries and 136,270 deaths. So far.

So, even though seriously underestimated, both VAERS and the EU verson reveal an unprecedented — but still only short-term — continuation of jab-related death and serious — often incurable — side-effects and injuries.

Unfortunately, the really long-term negative effects can’t be detected, verified, and analyzed because those require long-term tracking and verification.



Anonymous said...

I remember the story and I'm almost 100% sure it made the blogsite. It definitely did today. My doc's still asking if I want the flu/covid combo,but he knows by now,what my answer will be.


Nicholas said...

I just double-checked, and you're right, GRA. It got 124 hits three years ago, but then the Gauleiter killed it.