Tuesday, October 15, 2024

RFK Jr. wanted to do what with Olivia Nullity?! (revised and expanded, with mug shots!)

[“Olivia Nullity has won the Duranty-Blair Award for journalistic infamy, for being a complete Nuzzi (or, is it that Nuzzi Has Won the D-B for being a complete nullity?) Nullity/Nuzzi’s new york magazine editor-in-chief, David Haskell, has also won a D-B for sponsoring her.”]

By N.S.

I read the story twice, and it's juicy as all heck, but the reporter or her editor neglected to explain a central issue: Why was Ryan Lizza making a court filing? Is he suing Olivia Nullity, is Nullity suing him, or are they both suing each other?


5 hours ago

“I think this is just a ‘alleged’ story. That's right ‘alleged’ I said.”

• 4 hours ago


“I’d say that Ms. Nuzzi managed to come out of this entire episode relatively unscathed. . .she dodged a bullet, as they say. . .after all, she could have ended up like one of Uncle Teddy’s Boiler Room Girls. . .upside down, in a car, after an ‘accident’. . .in a watery grave. . .when one considers the possible ways in which this dalliance could have ended, losing a boyfriend and, perhaps, a job, don’t seem to so terrible, Ms. Nuzzi. . .yeah. . .ole Bobby there could have possessed you, impregnated you, and, then, managed to swim to shore and go to sleep, leaving you to suffocate in a car, which was overturned and submerged, in a body of water. . .cheer up. . .”

N.S.: Shifra Bryna Your comment is one of only two good comments (see Dave, just above you) on this story that I’ve read, besides my own.

It works on so many levels, for anyone who has followed the Kennedys, including RFK Jr. (one of whose wives committed suicide, after reading of 37 of his infidelities in his diary), for many years. The sardonicism is just so much gravy on top of the roast.


Ryan Lizza, l, Olivia Nullity, aka Nuzzi, and RFK Jr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Ask NOT what you can do to a Kennedy penis,but what a Kennedy penis can do to you."

Instead of "lock her up,"the phrase here is,"KNOCK her up."
