Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Part II: More, more, more! Race hoaxing black high school assistant football coach invents tells lies, on top of lies

[Part I: “That never happened: black high school assistant football coach invents huge race hoax, and black supremacist noisepaper runs with it; but coach throws in new wrinkles!”]

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, october 8, 2024 at 1:19:00 a.m. edt

Part 2 of 2

“a David Douglas athlete reported hearing the n-word used on the field. the game was paused, with officials addressing coaches and coaches then addressing players, but the officials were unable to determine where the language originated,’ Harris told katu.”

[Despite how the headlines and certain comments make it sound, notice the only real evidence they supply is one guy and one incident. Somehow it morphs into a daily, relentless barrage that has been going on since forever.]

“‘our kids are already facing enough. just showing up to school is a freaking battle. just finding food to eat when they go home is a freaking battle,’ Frazier told koin6. ‘and then you go out and you see them get subjected to racism and abuse, and you see the tears in their eyes, and it just, you know, it breaks your heart as an adult,’ he added. Frazier is advocating for a change in the osaa’s bylaws regarding hate speech and is prepared to take it up the chain of command if necessary.”

[Finding food is a battle? They look pretty well fed to me. Some of them are quite corpulent, wonder how they manage that when they are starving. Or play football with no calories from food. Just showing up to school is a battle? Yeah, when you’re dumb as a rock, I suppose you might not want to go to school. You know this Frazier only wants to target Whites for hate crimes. He doesn’t care about the racist violence blacks inflict on Whites, which is something that is truly relentless and ubiquitous.]

N.S.: This is part of what I call the great disjunction. Whereas, Whites have been pacified for 60 years, blacks and their white “allies” tell ever greater blood libels asserting White “racism.” Ditto for crime: blacks commit more and more crimes, especially heinous, racially motivated, black-on-White hate crimes, for millions of which police, prosecutors, and judges issue them free crimes, yet they and their white “allies” promote hoaxes, wherein “racist” Whites are victimizing blacks ever more.


Nicholas said...

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 8, 2024 at 10:53:00 a.m. edt

blacks carry cellphones around, to take videos with—for potential black lotto cases—as much as they have guns, for when they want to murder someone. I’m waiting for gunplay ON A FOOTBALL FIELD.

They don’t get any smarter, do they?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Imagine if they had audio/video of this "relentless barrage of racism", they'd be crowing about it and the recordings would be on heavy media rotation but in this age when everybody has a cellphone attached to their ear, the dearth of evidence tells us the truth. There are recordings, they often say police are "reviewing" footage trying to find the audio of these slurs and then the perps. Again it's absurd, they shouldn't be hunting for it, a crowd chanting the n word over and over wouldn't be something they have to hunt for.

I've been riding mass transit for 50 yrs. When you do that, you can truly say you've seen it all. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've heard a White use the n word. And every time, it was under some kind of provocation, not just out of the blue. I've heard way more negroes use slurs toward Whites than vice versa. To hear blacks tell it, they are barraged by the n word every time they stick their noses out the door. If that were true, we'd be hearing it constantly, but we don't and in this era of ubiquitous recording devices, the evidence would be all over the internet. Yet if you search through YT or other internet sites, we see mostly racist blacks in action.