Monday, October 21, 2024

In abc’s story from 2019, doctors who saw Tricia Meili’s injuries, believed more than one person was involved in her beating and rape

In abc’s story from 2019, doctors who saw Tricia Meili’s injuries, believed more than one person was involved in her beating and rape
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, october 21, 2024 at 9:38:00 p.m. edt

Susan Welsh, Keren Schiffman, and Enjoli Francis

“(abc) I always knew that there was at least one more person involved because there was unidentified dna,’ Meili said. ‘so when I heard the news that there was an additional person found whose dna matched, that wasn’t a tremendous surprise. but when he (Matias) said that he and he alone had done it, that’s when some of the turmoil started, wondering ‘well, how can that be?

“Meili and doctors dr. Bob Kurtz and dr. Jane Haher said there was medical evidence to support the charge that more than one person was responsible for her attack. her injuries were different from what Reyes claimed as the sole attacker, Meili said.

“‘there were hand prints pressed into her skin that looked red in outline,’ Kurtz said.

“Haher said the hand prints were of different sizes as well.

“‘it looks like, to me, more than one person doing that,’ Haher said.”


“‘I so wish the case hadn’t been settled’: 1989 central park jogger believes more than 1 person attacked her”

“new york city settled with the central park five in 2014 for $41 million.”
By Susan Welsh, Keren Schiffman, and Enjoli Francis
may 23, 2019
abc noise

“in 2014, mayor Bill de Blasio and new york city finally settled with the central park five, a group [gang] of teenagers who were convicted and later exonerated [that’s a lie!] in connection with the rape and brutal assault on a jogger….”

N.S.: Already in the lede, there’s a lie. At the behest of leftwing “ally” manhattan da Robert Morgenthau, new york state justice Charles Tejada vacated the verdicts. There was no exoneration, because the rapists had not undergone a re-trial and been acquitted.

“but the settlement remains a decision that Trisha Meili – the jogger in that horrific attack – says the city should not have made. and the police and prosecutors involved in the case agree.

“‘I so wish the case hadn't been settled,’ Meili told abc noise’s 20/20 in january. ‘I wish that it had gone to court because there’s a lot of information that’s now being released that I’m seeing for the first time. I support the work of law enforcement and prosecutors. ... they treated me with such dignity and respect.

A group of teens take over central park….”

[“Group” is pc-speak for a non-White gang. The beatles were known as a musical group.]

“but at the same time that she was headed out for her run, police were scrambling to respond to calls about 30 to 40 teens who were harassing [sic] people in the park.

[Assaulting and battering, robbing, beaten almost to death—at least eight victims besides Trisha Meili.]

“people were punched in the face and pulled off their bicycles and robbed of their watches. I mean, it was kind of a crazy series of incidents that took place in the park,’ recalled former newspaper columnist Ken Auletta….”

“plastic surgeon dr. Jane Haher told abc noise’s 20/20 that she’s never forgotten that day.

“‘I have seen traumatized patients many, many times. but I have never seen somebody, like, destroyed,’ Haher said. ‘her body was just so swollen – unrecognizable, really.

“Meili’s left eye had been crushed in. the force of the blow to her face was so strong that her eyeball had exploded into the thin plates of her orbital floor, Haher said.

“‘I had several skull fractures and there were deep lacerations,’ said Meili.

“the police question five teens….”

What a whopper! The cops didn’t question five teens, they questioned more like 37! They considered something like 11 of the wilders suspects in the Meili attack alone, and that’s not counting Matias Reyes.

Most of the suspects in the rape-battery of Trisha Meili

Yusuf Salaam

Kevin Richardson

Raymond Santana

Korey Wise

Antron McCray

Michael Briscoe

Steven Lopez

Clarence Thomas

Lamont McCall

Jomo Smith, et al.

“Prosecutors had no dna and little evidence that matched the teenagers to the crime, the attack, or the scene. But each teenager – except for Salaam – had made statements or open confessions about Meili’s attack, implicating themselves or each other….”

More liars. Dna evidence was irrelevant, back then, because there was no way to test for it, and the concept of dna evidence was brand new. And not only had Salaam confessed his crimes to detectives, he bragged about them! “It was fun. It was something to do.”

Salaam did not sign a confession, or confess on videotape, but he still confessed. He bragged that it was he who had bashed Meili’s brains in, which caused her to lose over 70% of her blood, and her doctors to think she would not make it through the night.

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