Saturday, October 12, 2024

Get your free crimes--but only if you're a member of an affirmative action group! hispanic felon defrauded American taxpayers out of $1 million, but will get no punishment!

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, october 12, 2024 at 09:58:18 a.m. edt

"from jan. 1, 2019, through jan. 31, 2024, Elia Torres, 44, of silver spring operated a speech-language therapy company called diversity talks, llc., according to the ag’s office. the company’s patients were almost all children, many of whom had parents who..."


Anonymous said...

Now,do corrupt scum hardly ever get caught--but one in a million times--but when they DO get caught--no punishment.

Guiltless perps are becoming the norm NOW--and its being accepted more and more--except for Whites(convicted,guilty or not).


Anonymous said...


GRA:Probably quite a few more,but MSM is no doubt,feverishly trying to squelch these kinds of stories from getting out to the public.

(Breitbart)The small town of Logansport, Indiana, has not been spared the disastrous effects of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s border crisis.

Logansport is truly in the middle of “nowhere” in the rural midwestern state of Indiana, but despite being hours away from any major metropolis, the small town has still been targeted by the Biden regime.

The town is in the center of northern Indiana more than two hours from Chicago, and an hour and a half north of the state’s biggest city, Indianapolis. But despite is meager resources and its place hours from any major metropolis, Biden has dumped thousands of Haitians there as well as hundreds from a variety of other nations.

People from 28 countries now call the town of just 18,000 residents their home, as thousands of foreigners — perhaps as many as 5,000 — have streamed there over the last four years, according to WXIN-TV.

With the tidal wave of migrants — both quasi-legal, and illegal — the town is suffering as it races to adjust to the onslaught, which has pushed the area’s resources past the breaking point.

The problems are mounting. The schools are stretched thin, the town is seeing rising crime, and health care is overtaxed. And that does not even mention the growing housing problem the small town is facing.