Sunday, October 06, 2024

“Eric Adams at the End”

“Yes, Nick, I did write the headline especially for you. It may be the Nick-iest possible blog post title ever. Never again will you read a headline so Nick-y.”

That was my old friend, the Countenance Blogmeister, the best political analyst in the business, from germany, who many years ago (in America) dubbed me, “My biggest fan.” And so, I am!


Anonymous said...

"The indictments are real."

That ignores how things work with blacks(these days).

How many other crooked,lying,treasonous blacks are there who DON'T get indicted?Probably as many as hold a public office.
Yet,you can count on two hands the blackies who have been busted the last 5 years.


Anonymous said...

Dem mantra:"Mind Your Own Beeswax."(courtesy "Poopie" Goldberg).

GRA:Whoopie "Poopie" Goldberg,who,in August,relayed on "the View" that she too has suffered diaper accidents similar to joe biden,last week uttered what blacks and dems feel is the ultimate answer to law and order proposals by Republicans:"Mind your own beeswax."

Abortion--in any month?

"Mind your own beeswax."

Arrest black felons for crimes?

"Mind your own beeswax."

Stop perverted queer activity and adoption?

"Mind your own beeswax."

Raise our taxes by allowing Trump's tax cuts to expire in January?

"Mind your own beeswax."

Stop the invasion of foreigners from the South?

"Mind your own beeswax."

Mind your own beeswax--except when it comes to what President Trump does(or might have done personally)or wants to do to save America.


Anonymous said...

Should have had "Stop abortion in any month."