Monday, October 07, 2024

did iran just test a nuke saturday for the first time?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, october 7, 2024 at 11:03:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) on saturday a 4.5-magnitude seismic event occurred in iran’s semnan province, sparking speculation that iran has tested a nuclear weapon for the first time. such a seismic event is typically the result of an earthquake, but speculation has arisen on social media suggesting the event was instead an underground nuclear test carried out by the islamic republic in response to Israeli threats to bomb tehran’s nuclear energy and oil facilities.

“according to iranian sources speaking with the cradle, the possibility that a nuclear test was indeed conducted is being discussed at high levels in Iran. [That’s pure garbage. It’s the “high levels” who would have conducted the nuke test. It would be everyone BUT them, who would be discussing whether iran had just conducted a test.]

“syrian sources speaking with the cradle in september predicted that iran would seek to develop breakout nuclear weapons capability in response to Israel’s assassination of hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in tehran.”

[N.S.: That’s just more b.s. They’ve been developing nukes for years. This is just a cover story. Nobody can develop a “breakout nuclear weapons capability.”]

“iran launched at least 180 ballistic missiles at Israel, causing damage to three airbases on october 1, following Israel’s assassination of hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and irgc commander Abbas Nilforushan on september 27. iran is now awaiting a possible Israeli response.”



Anonymous said...

A few holes in that story,though a 4.5 tremor needs some " 'splain' Lucy." Might have been a natural occurrence--or not.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The holy fire off allah will rain vengeance down upon the earth and cleanse it of the infidel....of course, the moslem won't survive either but he's got those 200 virgins waiting for him in paradise so what does he care?

Anonymous said...


(ZH)This week's anticipation of a potential Israeli targeting of Iranian nuclear facilities comes amid social media speculation over a 4.5 magnitude seismic event in Iran's desert on Saturday, with various non-seismologist posters suggesting that, rather than an earthquake, the vibrations may have been caused by a nuclear weapon test.

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization rejects those theories, according to Russia's Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov. He took to Telegram, writing:

"In connection with the seismic events in Iran on October 5 there were speculations that they were probably caused by nuclear tests. CTBTO analyzed signals from its 25 stations and came to the conclusion that recorded waveforms were consistent with previous earthquakes in Iran."

The CIA also weighed in,saying,"There is no proof that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons."

GRA:"Ripley's Believe it or Not" is back.