Monday, October 07, 2024

chicago mayor Joe Biden, er, Brandon, is trying to snag a $300 million loan (wink, wink)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, october 7, 2024 at 5:48:00 p.m. edt

I just read that the chicago mayor is trying to snag a $300 million loan in order to continue pension payments and pay chicago teachers. the school board was replaced and a lot of accusations are being thrown around between mex and black politicians, but facts are hard to come by—except you KNOW—when blacks and mex are involved, corruption is at the core.



Anonymous said...

Part 1 of 2

jerry pdx
It's a pattern now, every year they've got to come up with the dreaded "somebody called me/us the n word at a sporting event".

Here are some excerpts from the article and my commentary:

“I’ve coached and played all around the nation, and also have played or coached internationally. NEVER have I witnessed this level of racism on the playing field,” assistant coach Marcell Frazier wrote on Instagram.

[I don't believe that for a moment, he's lying]

"Each game has brought a deplorable barrage of racial hate speech and behavior, according to Frazier. He says Black players have been subjected to monkey sounds, chants of the N-word, and being called King Kong, among other slurs".

[Yeah, "according" to a liar. Read the entire article and you'll notice the same pattern we see in all these kind of race hoaxes. Somebody makes a wild accusation about a barrage of racist abuse over and over yet not one person can produce a video or audio recording of any of it. Absolutely ludicrous. If it were really happening, there would be a plethora of recordings and they'd be plastered all over the internet].

"During a game against Forest Grove High School on the edge of the Portland metro area, an unidentified man drove up to the team’s bus after the game and made ape sounds and gestures before driving off. Local police are currently investigating the incident and working to track down the culprit".

[Again, where's the audio/video? Nobody thought to pull out their cell phone and hit record? How many times have we heard this but police are unable to find the supposed perp despite ubiquitous security cameras that catch everybody driving or walking around]

"The racist attacks continued at an away game at Rex Putnam, an International Baccalaureate High School. Frazier recounted to KOIN6 how racial slurs brought a player to tears. The game came to a stop as he sought out his coach to report it. Frazier asked him, “‘What’s going on man,’ in tears he says to me, ‘They’re calling me the N-word, coach.’”

[Tears? That's a nice touch. There are 4 possibilities here:

1). He's like that black volleyball player who claimed people were chanting the n word at her but they were really chanting "cougars", the name of their team. 2). He's just making it up 3). Somebody did yell the n word, but it was a negro that did it. 4). Some knucklehead Whitey did do it, but that 's the least likely possibility.

No black breaks down in tears hearing the n word so we know this is bullshit. If he got mad, it would sound more credible. All the local high school football and basketball teams have lots of negroes nowadays, from what I've seen, they are at least 50% - 70% black. You know the n word is flying around among them during practice or the locker room].

End of Part 1

Anonymous said...

Part 2

“A David Douglas athlete reported hearing the N-word used on the field. The game was paused, with officials addressing coaches and coaches then addressing players, but the officials were unable to determine where the language originated,” Harris told KATU".

[Despite how the headlines and certain comments make it sound, notice the only real evidence they supply is one guy and one incident. Somehow it morphs into a daily relentless barrage that has been going on since forever]

“Our kids are already facing enough. Just showing up to school is a freaking battle. Just finding food to eat when they go home is a freaking battle,” Frazier told KOIN6. “And then you go out and you see them get subjected to racism and abuse, and you see the tears in their eyes, and it just, you know, it breaks your heart as an adult,” he added. Frazier is advocating for a change in the OSAA’s bylaws regarding hate speech and is prepared to take it up the chain of command if necessary".

[Finding food is a battle? They look pretty well fed to me, some of them are quite corpulent, wonder how they manage that when they are starving. Or play football with no calories from food. Just showing up to school is a battle? Yeah, when you're dumb as a rock, I suppose you might not want to go to school. You know this Frazier only want to target Whites for hate crimes, he doesn't care about the racist violence blacks inflict on Whites, which is something that is truly relentless and ubiquitous].

Anonymous said...

What could he possibly put up as collateral? Sorry,no loan. But this IS blackie Chicongo now.


Anonymous said...

blacks carry cellphones around,to take videos with--for potential black lotto cases--as much as they have guns,for when they want to murder someone. I'm waiting for gunplay ON A FOOTBALL FIELD.

They don't get any smarter,do they?