Sunday, June 09, 2024

You knew they didn’t kill this hostage—Noa Argamani rescued from home of al jazeera cameraman—did he turn his kidnapping victim into a sex slave?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 9, 2024 at 11:00:00 a.m. edt

“(Breitbart) in a shocking revelation, former Israeli hostage Noa Argamani was discovered being held in the home of an al jazeera cameraman in gaza, roughly eight months after her abduction during the october 7 hamas-led massacre in Israel, in the latest discovery of hostages found in locations tied to civilians and media personnel.

“former israeli hostage Noa Argamani, who was rescued in a daring Israeli operation on saturday, was reportedly found being held captive in the home of an al jazeera cameraman in gaza, according to an exclusive report by Israel Hayom.

She was reunited with her family.

GRA: al jazeera is in on all of this too?

“(Breitbart) al jazeera has a history of anti-American and antisemitic programming, has been accused of promoting jihadist sentiment, and has been banned in numerous countries.

“Israeli authorities have criticized the international community, particularly media organizations like al jazeera, known for their anti-Israel news coverage, for their perceived role in the conflict. The discovery of Argamani in the home of a cameraman affiliated with al jazeera has intensified these criticisms, raising questions about the network’s involvement or complicity in the actions of hamas.

GRA: I’m shocked she isn’t 8 months pregnant.


N.S.: Press photographers have been caught selling fraudulent photographs to major media outlets several times since 2000. However, this is the first case I am aware of, in which a photographer working for a major msm outlet was caught kidnapping (and likely raping) someone. I am also aware of a number of men who posed as photographers, in order to rape and murder pretty, young women who had hoped to score as models.

In the early 2000s, an arab new york times photographer shot pictures which purported to show arab civilians killed by an Israeli attack in a ditch, their faces with sand on them. (I saw the pictures at free republic at the time. I cannot find them now, and cannot recall the name of the fraudulent photographer in question.) Another photograph showed one of the “dead” moslems cleaned up and hanging out with others, like a movie extra between scenes.

I do not believe that anything happened to that fraud. I had a much easier time digging up the following fraud, presumably because reuters and its political allies were unable to bury it in the sand at the time, and so the perp was fired, as well as an unnamed photo editor.

In 2003, the north Carolina press association stripped Charlotte observer photographer Patrick Schneider of “three north carolina press photographers association awards, reprimanded by the paper and suspended for three days without pay…”

In 2006, Schneider got caught doctoring a photo again, and the observer fired him.

“Charlotte observer photographer Patrick Schneider has been fired for altering a photograph that appeared on the front of the paper’s Local & State section on Thursday….

“In a phone interview Friday afternoon, Observer editor Rick Thames explained that Schneider violated the paper’s policy against altering color in photos, a policy put in place specifically in response to Schneider’s earlier infractions.”

(The above story is dated december 19, 2008, but had to be from 2006. I found multiple corroborations that Schneider’s first known offenses were in 2003, and that he was caught again and fired in july, 2006, in stories dated 2006.)

Also in 2006, lebanese photographer Adnan Hajj, who worked full-time for reuters, was caught photoshopping pictures he’d sold to the media giant, which purported to show vast damage in a suburb of beirut, during the Israeli-lebanese war. (reuters asserted that Hajj “freelanced” for it, but that means it refused to pay him a proper salary or any “bennies.” As far as I could determine, Hajj did not work for anyone else at the time.) Hajj photoshopped his photo, in order to make a plume of smoke much darker, and to “clone” it, to make it seem as if there were more plumes, and the damage was much wider.

When Hajj was caught, he lied and said he had simply sought to remove “dust spots” from the photo.

I could not find any recent mentions of Adnan Hajj, but Patrick Schneider has found work as an industrial photographer.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure our founding fathers did not want the First Amendment to mean,"There shall no abridgement in the freedom of the distort,fictionalize,prevaricate or incite."

I'm positive the press was meant to report facts--not opinion,not possibilities and not unverified info from "sources".

But the whole thing has gone haywire the last few decades.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure our founding fathers did not want the First Amendment to mean,"There shall BE no abridgement in the freedom of the distort,fictionalize,prevaricate or incite."
