Sunday, June 09, 2024

Stupid, dishonest, or both? Meet Jason Stanley, an “expert” on “fascism,” and a leader of the stupid Jew apocalypse (video and reviews)

By Nicholas Stix

Jason Stanley is a philosophy professor at Yale, but definitely not a philosopher. And although he obsessively writes on politics—as far as I can tell, exclusively on politics—he’s not a political thinker. He’s not any kind of thinker.

Jason Stanley 7:24: “if the nation of black America were its own country, it would be the third biggest nation on Earth” (N.S.: see video below).

I listened to that twice, because I figured I must have misunderstood Stanley. I hadn’t.

“How Fascism Works”: Jason Stanley on Trump, Bolsonaro, and the rise of fascism across the globe (9 minutes)

[N.S.: You could waste hours of your time just watching youtube videos of this mook “explaining” fascism, but they all boil down to this: ‘Anything Trump does, that’s fascism.’]

135,683 views Oct 11, 2018

“In his new book how fascism works: the politics of us and them, Yale professor Jason Stanley warns about the dangers of normalizing fascist politics, writing, ‘what normalization does is transform the morally extraordinary into the ordinary. it makes us able to tolerate what was once intolerable by making it seem as if this is the way things have always been.

“We speak with Jason Stanley in New York.

democracy now! is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on nearly 1,400 tv and radio stations monday through friday. watch our livestream 8-9 a.m. et:”

The question regarding Jason Stanley is, is he as stupid as he sounds, or a compulsive liar? If I could speak to my late, Hungarian-born Nana (1893-1976), across the great divide, and tell her of Jason Stanley and other members of the stupid Jew apocalypse, she’d say, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s impossible for highly educated Jews to be so stupid.” My only option then would be to ask, “Remember the Stalinists? Even your own daughter?” (Not my late Mom, 1930-2022, but her big sister, Aunt Ruth, 1921-2016.)

At this point, I think Stanley is both stupid and dishonest.

I wanted to learn what this mook is about, but without buying his stupid books. In this regard, amazon’s customer review pages were helpful. Although I read several one-star and only two five-star reviews, I found both types of review helpful.

reviews from the United States (“top review”)

Be shocked & appalled, be wise and brave!
J Michael Petersen
5.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2020
Verified Purchase

“I listened to an NPR 1A episode 3 days ago in which the moderator asked, ‘Is Trump a fascist?’ not one of these distinguished intellectuals was brave enough to agree without a paragraph of mealy mouthed qualifications. I was so disgusted I screamed. I think God heard me. surfing youtube in the next hour, still seething, I played a video by Amanpour co., where their journalist interviewed prof. Jason Stanley. He was so well spoken and so courageously unequivocal in calling out Trump as a fascist. He is brilliant, articulate and sharply analytical.

“I immediately bought his book, how fascism works, and started reading. I was not disappointed. it is a masterpiece of concise insightful prose, written by a master of philosophy of language. [N.S.: As far as I know, Jason Stanley has nothing to do with philosophy of language. He has used the phrase, “philosophy of language” in the titles of journal articles and books, but those “things” had nothing to do with philosophy, much less philosophy of language; they were just political rants.] his immediate family had fled a [sic] Nazi Germany and Communist Poland. They instilled in him ideals of courage and expression of truth. He teaches a course at Yale on propaganda and political institutions. His previous books have been well received by his academic colleagues. this is his first book for the general public. it is so readable that I could not put it down. He makes so many connections between social identities, institutions, and psychological manipulation through propaganda that anyone who reads this will never be able to see this type of speech again without knowing what it is and what it is trying to accomplish. once you know—you cannot un-know.

“I hope that every thinking person will read this book now before it is too late. He reminds us that democratic institutions designed to protect us are actually real people [?] who are subject to corruption or dismissal. soon we all may feel the sting of ‘you’re fired!’”

“Not a book abou
t fascism”
Jesper Bylund
1.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2020
Verified Purchase

“I was surprised and a little bewildered by this book. While it’s well written and seemingly well researched, there’s very little in the book about Fascism. There’s nothing about what Fascism is, or how it works. Instead the author opted to try to show similarities between fascist states (most notably the Third Reich) and some current governments (most notably Trump’s presidency).

“These similarities are quite striking at times. But there are no arguments about why this is fascism, or why these similarities matter. The author seems to assume that these similarities are enough to convince the readers that these are the same. At times it becomes almost like the comic argument ‘Hitler was a vegetarian, therefore vegetarians are evil.’ Which is terribly startling to find in a widely regarded book.

“The author claims that fascists tend to create alternative histories: “‘The strategic aim of these hierarchal [sic] constructions of history is to displace truth, and the invention of a glorious past includes the erasure of inconvenient realities.

[N.S.: But America did have a glorious past! No invention is necessary.]

“While possibly true, and very interesting, the author then follow [sic] that up by spouting conspiracy theories with no evidence or arguments:

“‘The media largely ignored these motivations and, representing protesting black students as an angry mob [N.S.: which they probably were], used the situation as an opportunity to foment rage against the supposed liberal political excesses of the university.

“Towards the end, the author simply stops following the similarity arguments to instead just list grievances with anyone not on the political left:

“‘Economic libertarianism connects both freedom and virtue with wealth. According to these principles, one ‘earns’ one’s freedom by accruing wealth in struggle. Those who do not ‘earn’ their freedoms in this way do not deserve it. Though fascism involves a commitment to group hierarchies of worth that is flatly incompatible with true economic libertarianism, which does not generalize beyond the individual, both philosophies share a common principle by which value is measured. Economic libertarianism is, after all, the Manhattan dinner party face of social Darwinism.


“‘Within universities, fascist politicians target professors they deem too political—typically, too Marxist—and denounce entire areas of study. [N.S.: What professors and fields have republicans “targeted”? Is Jason Stanley misrepresenting criticism as “targeting,” the same way his communist/racial socialist comrades turn speech by their opponents into “violence,” while turning their own side’s violence into mere “speech”?] When fascist movements are under way in liberal democratic states, certain academic disciplines are singled out. Gender studies, for instance, comes under fire from far-right nationalist movements across the world. The professors and teachers in these fields are accused of disrespect to the traditions of the nation.”

[N.S.: No; they’re accused of being dishonest and perverse.]

“This book is not about fascism. It’s about saying that Trump and other (people for economic liberalism, or people against gender studies) are fascists. I found one instance of numbers and fact regarding this argument. The rest is opinion. So if you are interested in this political stance, this book is a very good read. If you are interested in learning about Fascism, this is not the book fo [sic] you.”

Echo Chambered Thought
Amazon Customer
1.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2020
Verified Purchase

“The author seems to have a hard time understanding that other people have different opinions on political thought. He has written a [sic] entire book proposing that political opinions different from his, are facist. The author used opinion articles as references to support his thought. He also used allegations against people he disagrees with as proof of wrongdoing. If you like watching MSNBC for hours on end, you might enjoy this book.”

“Nothing new here for anyone paying attention.”

“Nothing new here for anyone paying attention.”
1.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2021
Verified Purchase

“Nothing here but a somewhat dated indictment of Trump. Very boring reading for anyone who reads the news. I agree with almost all of it but I learned nothing from it. Waste of time to read.”

“Complete manipulation of facts, Jason clearly is swimming on the left’s deep end.”
Tyler Buxton
1.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2021
Verified Purchase

“Shows an establishment bias in just about everything, the entire book is a money grab and hit piece.”


Anonymous said...

This is post devoid of content. You claim he's not a philosopher but you fail to meaningfully and substantively address a single point he made. It's just a series of baseless anti-Semitic insults that purely exposes you for the intellectual coward you are.

Nicholas said...


Anonymous said...

Just two thoughts from me:He claims fascism is the normalization of the intolerable into the tolerable.THAT is what's happening currently with the United States' free fall into oblivion. Liberalism--not fascism is forcing White Americans to tolerate the intolerable: the destruction of our cities, loss of free speech,black crime,the rejection of centuries of a single gender definition that we know consists of two sexes--ONLY-- and the loss of personal security in general.

Second:"Liberal democracy is based on equality and truth."

There is no such thing as equality--and that is the TRUTH.If that were so,I'd have married Dian Parkinson 40 years ago or Sofia Vergara 20 years ago.Didn't happen.

If equality was a possibility,I'd be half as rich as Warren Buffett and he'd have half the money he apparently has at the moment.Doesn't work that way. Liberal democracy actually means:Everyone has the same net worth,regardless of talent,smarts and luck.It is also the definition of totalitarian communism.

GRA with Miss Parkinson or Miss Vergara is a fantasy--communism is also a fantasy--to liberal democrats--but a nightmare for the rest of us,while they attempt to force it on us.