Saturday, June 01, 2024

Caitlin Clark: Playing While White; How long until a black supremacist thug maims her?

By N.S.

The nba’s black supremacists have been maiming White players for years, and the wnba is the welfare league. I stopped watching basketball years ago.

bModerate: “She has great skills but she lacks one thing, height.”

N.S.: Correction: She has great skills but she lacks one thing, brown skin.

Frank painter “She needs some advice from LeBron.”

N.S.: Like how to get away with a hate crime hoax? That won’t work for her.


“You can’t tell me this is not a race thing. Like Clark said, it was not a basketball play. black player just went over to her and knocked her over for no reason. When that happened Angela Reese seem quite happy about it on the bench. The other day another black player made ft and after she made it walked over to Clark and got in her face. This would have been ‘taunting’ violation in the nfl -lol. You think this would happen to a #1 draft pick that was black, I doubt it. Fox sports reporter Jason McIntyre tweeted ‘there seems to be a bounty on Caitlin Clark.’”


“Just waiting for one of these thugs to cheap shot her and cause an injury. Then where will the wnba be? Back to being obscure. Seriously who wants to tune in to watch garbage players like this?”

• Boomanji

“That’s assault anyplace else! Do you see her teammates, standing and clapping after she did it too?? Insane!”

• K J

“Sportsmanship out the window.”

• Coopstheone

“this league is plain awful, the missed layups, horrible shooting, the shoving, etc... the game seems to be played in slow motion. I am trying to watch but I find myself turning the channel”

• Vic

“Yes, women’s basketball is a slower game and, in theory at least, more technical and less showy compared to the nba. That’s why some people actually prefer it over nba basketball.”

rex rexford

NOT ONE HUMAN ALIVE prefers the wnba. It has not made a profit for almost 30 years of its existence. It is subsidized by the nba. A high school boys team could beat any team in the league.

And the fact that no one calls out the BLATANT jealous RACISM from the tribe that excessively hard fouls Clarke will be their end


If she were the opposite color it would be the biggest story in the wnba. I guess not…

• AG

The only reason anybody cares is because its CC. The media doesn't even really care about the wnba. The only articles you see are about CC and the occasional Reese ones that aren’t even about basketball.


What’s up with the thirteens wearing these half tights/sleeves? Maybe if they worried more about bb than how they look the wnba wouldn’t be such a joke.


Covering up the prison tattoos

• Purple Prince

All they do is tear things down and say you didn’t build that.

Name me any country run by them that is successful.

I won’t hold my breathe

• Mike Walker

wakanda where its always kwanza


Anonymous said...

I've been watching highlights of her games and Caitlin Clark has been getting assaulted a great deal of the time.She's a tiny girl compared to the ugly,black monstrosities that permeat the wnba and the blacks obviously hate her fame,talent and Whiteness.They will cause her injury unless something changes quickly in how the blacks are allowed to slam into her at their leisure.


Anonymous said...

Collin Rugg
NEW: Player who body-checked Caitlin Clark says she "ain't answering no Caitlin Clark questions" after getting questioned by a reporter.

(nig)Chennedy Carter slammed Clark to the ground in a 71-70 loss to Clark and the Indiana Fever.

Reporter: "On the play before bumping in with Caitlin, it seemed like she turned to you a little bit."

Carter: "I ain't answering no Caitlin Clark questions."

GRA:And Carter's so eloquent and classy too.This bump wasn't THAT bad,I've seen collisions that were much worse, in the last two weeks,where I thought Clark was going to be unconscious from those hits.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Caitlin Clark isn't just Whites, she's not a lesbian. I remember seeing headlines when a former WNBA player named Candace Wiggins claimed she was bullied relentlessly during her 8 yrs. in the league due to her being straight. She also claims the league is 98% lesbian. That's not true but there is a very high percentage of lesbian in the league. Wiggins is black BTW but she never had the hype that Caitlin Clark has received.

One thing I noticed about the shove is that none of her teammates came to her defense. That's to be expected when a negro assaults you and your teammates are almost all negroes. But Caitlin is both White and straight which could be a lethal combo for her in the WNBA.

Anonymous said...

Deliberate intent to injure another person. Sport or no sport a crime. The arrogance and superior attitude of the colored is just amazing. The colored gals are deliberately out to get the white player.

Anonymous said...

She should have never left Iowa,she had another year of eligibility left--would have been mythical to watch.Fun for her.Now she'll be the target of a race war--EVERY NIGHT.

blacks are too stupid to realize who the money ticket is and will destroy her as they do everything else they touch.


MacD said...


Anonymous said...

“Sportsmanship out the window.”

Blacks just have a brutal and harsh nature about them. And applaud such bad behavior.