Monday, June 10, 2024

blacks need to stop lying about 'their' inventions

Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 10:35:45 AM EDT

blacks need to stop lying about 'their' inventions.

Well, they did invent the drive-by.

So, yeah, they've had some seminal inventions.



Anonymous said...

They "invent" their inventions,how they built this country,won WW II,never commit crimes--you name it.

Can't believe a word of the black bulls*it.


Anonymous said...

If blacks built this country, why is it that Africa is such a hellhole? After blacks took over they ruined South Africa. Where have blacks been a positive force?

Anonymous said...

100 % true. American negroes do have patents on those items mentioned. But they are only improvements on the original item which probably was invented much earlier.

Across the board. "Myth of Black Invention".

Negroes boast that a colored man invented the ironing board. The man invented an improvement to the ironing board. If that is the best they can do nothing to crow about.