Monday, February 19, 2024

Where exactly is the gop stronghold territory--montana?

[“Is this post reader as accurate as he is sardonic?”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, february 14, 2024 at 10:06:00 p.m. est

"Where exactly is the gop stronghold territory--montana? The least populated areas have the most percentage of Whites and the least electoral votes. The most populated areas have the most black and Mex and loads of electoral votes.

By undertaking "White flight"(which I don't blame our fellow Whites) while throwing in a low reproductive rate, the states to count on for victory are few and far between.


By Anonymous
wednesday, february 14, 2024 at 10:12:00 p.m. est

West coast and New England + New York state.

Gone blue forever and never going to be any different. Face reality.

By AbolishTenure
Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 7:54:00 a.m. est

Headline seen recently: "GOP Voters are Bad At Voting." There is NO reliable red state refuge. For instance, consider the two U.S. senators from oklahoma, pushing spending, the ukraine, etc. And gov. Stittwit, covid lockdown enthusiast. texas, John Cornyn, and Greg Abbott who should have done the hardline border thing decades ago. Louisiana, John Kennedy, super in embarrassing Biden's judge nominees, but also all-in for the ukraine. Georgia is a lost cause, two Senators-for-life that might as well have been elected by massachusetts and an anti-MAGA gov. and state gop establishment. south Carolina - a parade of empty suits and worse, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Lindsey Graham, lots of wasted votes there. alabama, another covid lockdown-crazed governor and inept, inert, chamber-of-commerce legislature.


Anonymous said...

I guess the new Bill Maher show had Ann Coulter and Van Jones on as guests.Maher brought up the trannie Mex shooting in Texas and Maher mentions,"they don't know(the race)who did it."

Coulter says,"We know who DIDN'T do it,because they didn't mention the race.If the shooter was White,the media would identify them immediately."

Jones starts grinning and Bill protests,saying,"You're accusing media of suppressing these things?"

Coulter didn't answer the question with a yes--she should have--but went back into what we've known here for YEARS:If the race is not mentioned in a shooting--they're not White.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Expect that to change. Resettlement programs are targeting small towns and "underpopulated" regions in order to "diversify" and repopulate. Montana also:

A hundred refugees doesn't sound like much but it might be a higher percentage relative to it's small population than New York is receiving...and there is a future endless supply of refugees they can send to small town USA. The Democrats are winning the war, even rural America as a conservative bastion will not be tolerated, they will change the demographics and transform it just like they have big cities.

Anonymous said...

White Homeland always described as comprising Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana. Two of those gone forever. Can you figure out which two those are? Last bastion of whiteness USA maybe West Virginia.