Saturday, February 17, 2024

Where do you stand on the “n”-scale?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, february 17, 2024 at 11:26:00 p.m. est

As I said, commenting about Fani Willis, the black judges I’ve had the chance to listen to lately, are about equal (or lower) on the ni**er scale than regular black “people.”

Yes, I’ve invented a ni**er scale, rating blacks on a scale of 1-10—with description, job tendencies, and percentage of blacks the category applies to.

1) Top nig: Talks fast, lies faster, enough to fool everyone into thinking they’re intelligent, but not crooked. Most of this group can read and spell decently—not all. Talk show host, politician, preacher (1%).

3) Close to the top nig: Not as smooth as #1, still glib—to a point. Some ability to read or spell, but mistakes pop up repeatedly. TV news reporter, or works on social media website (3%).

5) Average nig: Big talker, little to show for it. Barely made it through high school, or quit to dabble in crime. A few arrests. A couple women knocked up. KFC, McDonalds, Burger King (26%).

8) Low class nig: Quit school, gangbanger. Long rap sheet, but not sentenced to life in prison—yet. Possible rapists, domestic abusers. MAY have murdered—but not enough to be caught. Job: Leeching off women (40%).

10) Killer nigs: Pure felons, the type you put in prison and throw away the key or execute. Not a decent bone in their bodies. Job: Making license plates (30%).

Between the numbers are variations between one nig or the other.



Anonymous said...

To borrow from Margaret Thatcher, "Affirmative action and DEI work well until you start to run out of other people's talent."

Anonymous said...

Fani is a # 1.