Sunday, February 18, 2024

“uncle ben” crump says, “legalize all crime to eliminate [black] crime”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, february 18, 2024 at 10:30:00 p.m. est

“uncle ben” crump says, “legalize all crime to eliminate [black] crime.”

“(zh) during a recent appearance on msnbc, a black activist lawyer suggested that crime in the United States could be completely eliminated, if all crime was just legalized.

“yes, really.

“the comments were made by Ben Crump, who specializes in civil rights cases and was the attorney for the families of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.

“‘we can get rid of all the crime in America overnight, just like that,’ Crump told his fellow guests, one of whom was civil rights activist Al Sharpton.

“‘and people ask “how, attorney Crump?” – ‘change the definition of crime.

“‘of course!’ responded another guest.

“‘if you get to define what conduct is gonna be made criminal, you can predict who the criminals are gonna be,’ added Crump.

“another guest responded by saying that suggested all black people were criminals by their nature.

“‘they made the laws to criminalize our culture – black culture,’ responded Crump.

GRA: And there you have it—the goal of “black law,” as I’ve said (and Nicholas before me, I’m sure) is NO LAW.


N.S.: Crump’s logic is circular, dishonest, and imbecilic. What about all the “civil rights” and “hate crime” persecutions of Whites? What about all the persecutions of Whites for acts that blacks can commit with impunity?


Anonymous said...

It actually fits with a black run society of chaos--and no living Whites.I'm surmising that at some point, killing Whitey would even be rewarded--a bounty for each decapitated White head brought in.

Crump saying this in public shows you that HE is as radically racist as anyone from the Nation of Islam or blm.I can see him running for office(president?)in the near future in order to implement his philosophy.


David In TN said...

So the perpetration of the Knoxville Horror (to name only one of innumerable examples) is "black culture?"

Anonymous said...

If blacks had their way,those crimes you speak about,David,would be multiplied on a scale that would result in millions of dead,raped,burned Whites.--if they thought they could get away with it.

Culture?Lack of brain development is more like it.


Anonymous said...

If all crime was legal, Whites would gun up and would not hesitate to shoot black criminals. The black population would go down rapidly. Dumb black criminals versus smart, well-armed, and determined Whites--no contest.

Anonymous said...

“‘we can get rid of all the crime in America overnight, just like that,’ "

There is another way we could get rid of crime overnight. I will just say what it is.

Anonymous said...

Professor Ralph Kramden would say,"To the MOON with them."