Thursday, February 08, 2024

twin cities metro transit: please do not defecate on platforms, or rape other passengers

By N.S.


Anonymous said...


"Crime is All Around"(opening theme)

Who can live in a city like this with a smile?
Who can live in a neighborhood,
Where blacks can be seen,
More than once in a while,

Well the crime there has gone ballistic,
But you girl,you never,
Became fatalistic.
Crime is all around and you have seen it,
Crime is all around,you move between it,
So far you've made it through it all,
So far you've gotten through it all.

(Mary opens the door and walks in the newsroom.Lou sees Mary from his office and hurries to talk to her,near her desk

Lou:Mary,I heard you were one of only two passengers on the inbound train this morning--one got raped and the other stepped into a pile of doo-doo.Which one WERE YOU?


(Lou breathes in the fumes and sees the poop laden high heels).

Lou:I just guessed--GOOD.Who was the person you were riding with today---wasn't it supposed to be...

Ted:LOU!You'll never guess what happened to me on the train today.


Ted:ATTEMPTED rape--I fought the queer negro off,while Mary went to get help from the...

Lou:Police?(laughs sarcastically)

Mary:Nooo,I didn't see any police,Mr Grant,but a couple nice White men volunteered to help detain the black thug until they DID arrive.

Lou:Why weren't you raped,Ted--while Mary was gone?

Ted:The coon couldn't get my chastity belt off--Georgette's the only one with a key.

Lou:I don't want to hear anymore ,Ted.

(Murray walks in)
Murray:Morning,everyone--hey,what did I miss?SOMETHING happened!

Lou:You wouldn't believe me if I told you,Murray.Let's get to work--a lot of news to cover today.

Murray:I've got to start getting here earlier,maybe I'll start riding the train--how's that going for you,Ted?

(Ted growls)
Ted:How do YOU know about it ALREADY,MURRAY?

Murray:Well Ted,news travels fast in a newsroom.
(whispers to Mary):What happened--I don't know ANYTHING!
Mary:I'd better not say.

(Ted stomps off to the tv studio,while Lou heads for his office and Mary and Murray go to work.)

Murray:Oh,just one thing Mar,are you wearing those shoes to protest crappy working conditions in here?

Mary:Ohhh,MURRAY--I forgot all about them.I'll be back after I go to the shoe store--but I'm still not going to be able to tell you what happened.

Murray:That's fine--for some reason,I don't think I want to know anymore.


Anonymous said...

"Peeing and pooping while riding on Metro Transit vehicles falls under the “illegal” category, according to the signs. “Transit property is not a public restroom,” the new rules read. They also explain to riders that sexual assault is illegal. “Sexual contact without consent is forbidden,” the rules state."

GRA:So WITH consent,you can go at it amongst other passengers?
The nigs will do it.


Anonymous said...

Kind of like you have to instruct people that when you put garbage in the garbage can put the lid on top of the canned after you put the garbage inside, you have to tell people how to do

He’s light rail systems like in Portland and Seattle. Minneapolis look very nice indeed and well done but I guess when you begin to ride him for a while you understand what he’s really occurring too bad.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of Chines defecating right in the aisle of trains in China. And Chinese tourists have been known to use clothing store changing rooms as toilets. With all the turd world immigrants and illegals, I'm sure there are plenty of other races or ethnic groups who do likewise.