Monday, February 19, 2024

racist, malicious police commissioner and police academy director cause young officer to be maimed

By R.C.: You might be a...

N.S.: “When two of the officers decided to approach the home, the situation went haywire.”

The situation didn’t go haywire; it went according to plan. The officer was almost killed by his training. Former pc Robert Waring and the director of the police academy (?) are as guilty as Taiquell Woodson. They trained the now maimed officer, who will never be the same and will never again be able to work as a cop, to use insufficient force. The whole intent of training officers to use insufficient force (“de-escalation”) is to get more White cops killed. “The officer tried to retreat...”

He should have had his weapon drawn, but he had been trained to give black supremacist cut-throats as many opportunities as possible to kill him. Politicians—and not just democrats—support black cut-throats.

Police commanders used to tell their men that their most important job was to get home at the end of their shift in one piece. I doubt they tell them that anymore.

affirmative action black Rodney Harrison is the new suffolk county pc, but he was only hired a year ago.

“video: heroic police officer guns down knife-wielding new york man [sic] after thug stabs rookie cop multiple times”

war criminal Taiquell Woodson might as well have been in charge of training at the suffolk county police academy

former suffolk county police commissioner Robert Waring

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“The officer tried to retreat...”

The negro will interpret the retreat as a sign of weakness and be that much more emboldened to attack.