Sunday, February 11, 2024

off duty tabc officer takes out shooter

By A Texas Reader
sunday, february 11, 2024 at 09:21:26 p.m. est

tabc: texas alcoholic beverage commission

lakewood church shooting: shooter used long gun, threatened explosives

off duty tabc officer takes out shooter.

What, you didn’t know tabc folks were commissioned peace officers?

I did.

Was in Sherlock’s in suburban Addison late one evening many years ago.

Down on the floor, close by the stage.

Suddenly, a bunch of guys wearing navy pullovers emblazoned with “TABC” on their backs burst into the pub.

One of the officers grabbed the guy who was sitting at the table next to me. Stood the guy up, and then promptly hustled him to the back of the pub.

No one said a word except when they burst in to the pub.

“TABC,” they said.

And then hustled to grab folks.

I left minutes thereafter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fortunate it wasn't a slaughter.Woman gun toter.Trying to guess the race on this one is tough,but I'll guess Mex.