Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Noticing more and more weird things

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, february 20, 2024 at 10:54:35 p.m. est

noticing more and more weird things.


So, who and where are the negro Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, or medicine?

By the way, I worked for the late Dr. James Macbeth one summer here in Dallas years ago.


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Dr. Macbeth had his PhD from the Booth school of business of the University of Chicago.

At Chicago he had been an associate of Dr. Eugene Fama. He provided Fama with quantitative firepower.

Fama went on to win the Nobel prize in economics.

As for the videos, there is an agenda.

and that is to diminish and ultimately eliminate whites.


Anonymous said...

There was a lot in there--including a 4 second clip of Coulter talking about media ignoring black shooters,with Mahre and Van Jones.

Better off searching for the entire clip of the Mahre show.


Anonymous said...

Well I'll continue talking about the Coulter soundbite,which was the scrappy koala quote N.S. has mentioned for years here.SHE said,she just noticed how it all works in media(with the race of a shooter)during the Muslim shooting in Santa Barbara(?).Now,it's the law of the land in media coverage--blacks don't get mentioned by race,Whites do IMMEDIATELY.

I'll throw in that pictures of blacks are subliminal--IF they're shown at all--usually in little squares--while pics of alleged White shooters fill my tv screen so massively and are so large,that they appear life sized and in my living room.

Now when Mahre asked her if media"suppresses the race of blacks,"she just repeated her initial scrappy koala statement,then went on to black fatherhood.There she apparently thinks that illegitimate births are the entire problem with why blacks commit crimes.

I wonder if she just got a Covid booster shot.

While looking through YouTube for the clip,I noticed a lot of blacks are attempting to be anti-black--including Jason Whitlock and a black called "The Modern Renaissance Man"--Ty Smith.Whitlock's done this for years,Smith for less than that.I repeat:They are niche blacks,looking to make money,calling out black b.s.Candace Owens and Larry Elder are others.

Do I believe them? A black? Never.


Anonymous said...

"I've noticed that people [blacks] seem unable to drive safely anymore"

Blacks always have been poor and unsafe drivers. Now since 2020 even much more so.

Most of them on some kinda shit all the time anyhow. Makes things worse.

Anonymous said...

Blacks invented everything. And don't you forget it.