Monday, February 12, 2024

Neo-Nazis on the march in Deutschland! (video)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Stix: Nah, das das Jahr 1933 war, macht die Mitteilung perfektermassen verständlich! Ach, aber das Jahr war 2023, meinen Sie?

Well now, that the year was 1933, makes the message perfectly understandable. Wait! You mean that the year was 2023?!


Anonymous said...

"The password is 'genocide'."


Anonymous said...

This was actually showing on TV during the Super Bowl. I did not watch any of the Super Bowl so I do not know it was directed at a German audience. It seems that’s ridiculous. How many Germans are ever interested in American football? I would say just about none maybe it is the extravaganzas that attracts them to watch the TV But that is about all of it as far would be totally unknown to them

Anonymous said...

I have said this before and I’ll say it again I did not watch the Super Bowl and I am glad I didn’t. It is not pleasurable for me to watch one team Negros, Chase, another team Negros up and down the field after a ball. It is just not of interest to me