Wednesday, February 21, 2024

google ai provdes an illustration of a 1943 German soldier

By Jenner Ickham Errican


Anonymous said...

Lots of colored guys in the Nazi army.

Some WW1 video game about 1/4 of the soldiers shown African negro.

I guess you must always include them.

Anonymous said...

I read that Google has 90% of Europe and the U.S. as black in their photos.


Anonymous said...

Big story about a White ***hole named Jack Krawczyk, who is in charge of this anti-White rewriting of "history" on google.Through his comments ,listed from the past,he is obviously a White hater,but he wouldn't be pulling this garbage without afurmation from other White haters at google.
He "apologizes"--don't believe him

Anonymous said...

Obviously Artificial Intelligent programs have been programmed for DEI. There is no intelligence involved--these programs cannot think for themselves--they just vacuum up information according to their programming.