Friday, February 16, 2024

fake new york times report gives readers a shovel load from the landfill of lies on kansas city: the mass black shooting at the super bowl celebration was all the fault of those White devils

By meh0910


“Kansas City Grappled with Shootings Long Before the Super Bowl

“Homicides in Kansas City, Mo., increased last year, many of them attributed to arguments, officials say.


“there were 182 people killed in kansas city last year, according to police data, surpassing a previous high in 2020. With a population of just over 500,000, Kansas City has one of the highest murder rates in the nation.


“city officials and community leaders have fought for years to reduce gun violence. many of the homicides driving kansas city’s record highs stem from arguments or other disputes, whether within families, groups of acquaintances or rival gangs, according to city officials and those involved in violence prevention efforts.

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“violence in kansas city is concentrated in certain neighborhoods that are also marked by poverty and blight. a disproportionate number of shootings in the city occur east of Troost avenue, a major north-south street. kansas city is somewhat divided both racially and socioeconomically by Troost, a divide that has its roots in redlining and deliberate racial segregation.

I thank meh0910 for the link and the perfect summary.

I just read the entire “thing,” and it was worthless. The times operatives, Julie Bosman and Kevin Draper—remember those names!—provided not a scintilla of evidence that “city officials and community leaders have fought for years to reduce gun violence.” They’re black, so they have to be given credit.

“many of the homicides driving kansas city’s record highs stem from arguments or other disputes, whether within families, groups of acquaintances or rival gangs, according to city officials and those involved in violence prevention efforts.”

Not only did the foregoing consist of 34 words of meaningless padding, it was repeat padding. Yesterday, the new york post quoted the worthless affirmative action police person in kc saying the same thing! It also gave black grifters false credit as some sort of “experts.”

And there were the usual landfill of lies garbage: It's all Whites’ fault! “redlining and deliberate racial segregation.” That's funny, because in those days the murder rate was a fraction what it is today. But if you challenge these mooks, they’ll assert that “experts all agree” that they’re right. “experts” that, like them, are as phony as a three-dollar bill.

What a shameless substitute for real crime reporting, which would have to talk about blacks’ lack of self-control, and refusal to do honest work, or obey the law.


Anonymous said...

A new synonym for blacks:


Use it in a sentence:

"Many of the killings resulted from arguments."

It's all a code,lol.They might not even know it--or maybe they do and it's inside baseball--or nigball,if you prefer.

Do they print this garbage with a smirk?

Or belligerence against the reader?


Anonymous said...

"arguments or other disputes,"

I have said it a million times. The parking spot, the cig, the quarter. The look glance, stare. The perceived look, glance, stare.

And no one ever wanting to look less than tough in the hood, so no backing down ever or de-escalating. Violence and murder the only recourse. Obligatory even.

I hate to say it but just a bunch of plain old ordinary bad people.