Friday, February 09, 2024

Excerpts of Tucker Carlson Interviewing Vladimir Putin (Video)

Re-posted by N.S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Small excerpt of the Carlson/Putin interview I heard:

Carlson:Not much has changed from the old 1960 "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoons,the Russian leader is STILL Boris Badenoff--from the U.S.perspective.

Putin:But now United States has real life Bullwinkle --dumb as moose,Biden--and real life squirrel--in attorney general Garland."Squirrel Garland" is obsessed with gathering nuts,but to him they are only White people who are opposed to destruction of country through...what you call...woke behavior.However,he leaves woke nuts alone and even hires them in administration.

Carlson:Who is your Natasha?
Putin:None of your business.