Tuesday, February 20, 2024

establishment academic continues twit war on Sailer

Re-posted by N.S.

Will Stancil is an utter liar. Note that he provided no "studies" to back up his claims. "Studies" have concluded that stop-and-frisk" radically reduced murders in nyc. The problem is, due to the nycpd's habit of disappearing murders, we can't know if and how much s&f reduced murders. I believe it has, but I disbelieve the stats the nycpd and its supporters, e.g., Heather Mac Donald, have provided, because they are both also notorious liars on the matter. Meanwhile, Steve Sailer himself also buys into the nycpd's fakestats.


Anonymous said...

What kind of fagbrained idiot is Stencil?Only an accepter of black b.s. would come up with a paragraph of drivel like that.


Anonymous said...

Sailer apparently also buys into the claim that the 2020 election wasn't stolen and that the vax is safe and effective. I'm so disappointed in him.

Anonymous said...

Liberals by and large are very deluded persons. Live in a dream world that never can exist but they wish so bad it did so.