Thursday, February 08, 2024

double or triple affirmative action content provider reviews “satirical” movie on novel about Whites’ demand for black stereotypes

By Nicholas Stix

“every era has its own American fiction, but is there anything new to say?”

url title: “American fiction black art selling out satire.”

Meet Aisha Harris. Harris has a double or triple affirmative action gig at npr.

This essay contains spoilers for the new film American Fiction.

“A thing about racial stereotypes in America is their stubborn pervasiveness — how they’re impossible to eradicate completely even as societal ideals and sensitivities progress over time; how all-consuming they can remain, keeping black artists on the defensive and in constant need of addressing and defying them in their work. Toni Morrison referred to racism as a means of ‘distraction,’ a way to keep marginalized people ‘explaining, over and over again, [their] reason for being.’”

She di’int! Aisha Harris quoted Toni Morrison for racial authority.

Harris reviewed something called American fiction, a recent racial “thing,” based on a failed novel from 2001 by a Percival Everett called Erasure.

In the “thing,” a black content provider wants to avoid “racial stereotypes,” but gives in to them, and publishes a pseudonymous novel, and makes a killing.

The black content provider is played by mulatto affirmative action performer, Jeffrey Wright. I once saw Jeffrey Wright in the remake of the 1971 blaxploitation movie, Shaft.

I recall three things about the Shaft re-make: Samuel L. Jackson can’t play basketball (though he has the market cornered on playing Samuel L. Jackson), and Jeffrey Wright can’t act.

Jackson played the eponymous character, while Wright played a dominican.

In one scene, Jackson grabs a basketball, which he attempts a few times to dribble in the street. He can’t dribble a basketball.

Wright is supposed to be an off-the-wall dominican criminal, “peoples Hernandez,” only he doesn’t sound at all dominican. He got the job because he has some black blood in him.

Wright just received his first affirmative action oscar nomination for best actor, for American fiction. Aisha Harris calls Wright’s role, “one of his finest roles to date.” No doubt.

The only good thing about the 2000 re-make by black nazi, John Singleton (think, Law & Order sophistry) of Gordon Parks and Stirling Silliphant’s 1971, racist original, was the White actor who played the screamingly racist murderer. (You see, new york city is just oozing with such killer nazis.) He’s an englishman who was not recognizable as one, and who was then unknown. He played an American White supremacist, who casually walked up behind angelic, affirmative action “actor” Mekhi Phifer and murdered him, by bashing his brains in with a metal theater stanchion. His name is Christian Bale.

No White American had the balls to play that role.

“Cool and deadly NYPD detective John Shaft arrests Walter Wade, Jr. in a racially-motivated slaying. The eye witness disappears, Wade jumps bail for Switzerland, and Shaft is livid. Two years later, Wade returns to face trial, confident his father’s money and influence (and racial politics) guarantee an innocent verdict.” has the entire movie story, except for Samuel L. Jackson and Jeffrey Wright’s respective incompetence.

Around that time I saw affirmative action “actor” Mekhi Phifer on a talk show. He announced that he had taken up “singing”— “rap,” which he explained “Is one of the most difficult genres.”

That’s funny; I’d never heard of a sailor who didn’t know how to curse.

Oh, but Aisha Harris was reviewing a “satire” of another name. No, she wasn’t; with rare exception (e.g., George S. Schuyler’s Black No More), “satire” is just what one calls failed comedy.

Imagine how Aisha Harris would respond to a White who refused to truckle to racial stereotypes.


Anonymous said...

This negro was on the rancid Seth Meyers abomination of a show.Didn't listen to it,but it was on as I read and wrote some stuff here.


Anonymous said...


GRA:Maybe the nose and facial structure,but could you see media asking a black player about his resemblance to Samuel Little?Nothing's out of bounds with trying to put Whitey on the spot with questions that if asked of a black---the reporter would be fired(not by me,but by the wokesters.)

(Tmz)Brock Purdy has a passing resemblance to the man who assassinated John F. Kennedy -- something he was asked about this week ahead of the Super Bowl ... and it was awkward.

The 49ers QB was made aware of comparisons people have been floating lately between himself and Lee Harvey Oswald -- who, of course, killed JFK in 1963 using a sniper rifle. He's one of the most infamous people in American history ... and BP kinda looks like him.

During a press conference Tuesday, Brock had the question posed to him -- namely, was he aware folks have been calling him an Oswald look-alike? Unsurprisingly, he said he wasn't.

When Brock denied any knowledge about it, he was asked the obvious follow-up ... what do you make of the comparison? His response is funny -- you can tell he's at a loss for words.

It's probably not the greatest feeling knowing you're a bit of a dead ringer for the man responsible for murdering a U.S. president ... and Brock's stammering here reflects that.

The dude already had a lot on his mind right -- y'know, on account of the fact that he's gotta try and lead his team to a win on Sunday in the biggest game of the year -- and now ... he's got this weird connection to LHO that's been concocted by the Twitter-sphere. Not great!


Anonymous said...

The black woman police chief in the major city, who just happens to be a lesbian also

MacD said...

If there's a black in the tile on the streaming service I won't watch it.