Sunday, February 11, 2024

abc noise’s newest in-kind contribution to the dnc

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, february 11, 2024 at 11:29:00 p.m. est

abc poll says 85% of voters think fake president/real gangster Joe Biden’s too old for a second term, but abc also lumps the President in with the same findings; how’d that happen?

GRA: The special counsel only mentioned that Biden has a brain made of mush, but leave it to the msm to extend the “too old to be potus” theme to Trump.

Trump called Nikki Haley, “Nancy Pelosi” during one campaign rally stop—that’s about it as far as a senior moment goes—but Biden speaks complete sentences about as often as San Francisco wins Super Bowls in the 21st century.

abc must think, if Biden has to leave the race because of a lack of mental acuity, then let’s start accusing Trump of the same dementia.

They’ll try anything to get rid of “The Donald.”



Anonymous said...

It really IS just noise--nothing more."nbc nightly noise",the "cbs evening noise" and "abc noise" have no informative quality to them and therefore should NOT be labeled as news.

"Noise" works nicely though.


Anonymous said...

GRA:This morning zerohedge posted the following article about abc's poll--8 hours after my analysis--which came from watching "abc noise".Bingo!The same observations as mine.

MONDAY, FEB 12, 2024 - 08:40 AM
Authored by Steve Watson via,

(ZH)A poll conducted in the wake of probably the worst week of his Presidency has found that a whopping 86 percent of Americans do not feel Joe Biden is in good enough shape to serve another term.

The poll by ABC News/Ipsos was carried out Saturday, after the Special Counsel report that described Biden as “an elderly man with a poor memory,” and after he ended up angrily yelling at reporters for asking questions about the issue.

The poll also found that 73 percent, almost three quarters, of Democrats think Biden is too old to serve, and a whopping 91 percent of Independents feel the same way.

(GRA:Here's the point of the poll):Critics have charged that ABC News has attempted to mask the ‘mainstreaming’ of Biden’s cognitive decline by also throwing Trump into the ‘too old to run’ mix.

Rather than focus on the figures with regards to Biden, the sitting President, the report goes to great lengths to include Trump, noting that “the figure includes 59% of Americans who think both [Biden] and former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old and 27% who think only Biden is too old.”

It further states that “Sixty-two percent of Americans think Trump, who is 77, is too old to serve as president,” and goes on to focus on Trump being indicted on federal charges.

Buried at the bottom of the article are findings of the poll that most Americans believe Trump would do a better job of handling immigration and the border than Biden by 44 to 26 percent, and the handling of crime (41%-28%), the economy (43%-31%) and inflation (41%-31%).


Anonymous said...

"They’ll try anything to get rid of 'The Donald.'”

That one unmentionable has yet to be tried. I am sure they have contemplated however.

And would approve if unmentionable succeeded.

Anonymous said...

I assume he's wearing a bulletproof vest?