Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Will America become a Majority non-White Country in 2024?

By Nicholas Stix

In 2024, America, or as my longtime contributor, Grand Rapids Anonymous calls it, “America,” will become a non-White majority country, assuming that hasn’t already occurred.

I know that, according to the census bureau, the U.S. currently has a mere 335,897,415 “residents,” of whom only 11 million are illegal human beings. Look, the census bureau has been spouting that “11 million illegal” fakestat since around 1791. The current number of warm bodies residing in the U.S. is likely somewhere between 395 million and 400 million.

Back in 2014, old immigration hand Fred Elbel, of CAIRCO, told me he estimated the number of illegals to be 50 million. After my article on the topic was published, apparently, other old immigration hands complained, “Fred, you can’t say that!,” and so he later complained to me that he’d only said “30 million” or “35 million,” but I’d tape recorded the interview, and I always replay my taped interviews multiple times before sending in a manuscript.

(Some or all of those same old immigration hands read the beginning of a 1,444-word, nyt op-ed by Jerry Kammer (of the perpetually triangulating center for immigration studies), and celebrated that Kammer was an “immigration restrictionist,” as he claimed, when in fact he supported a nation-breaking mass amnesty of illegal aliens. Had Kammer really been a restrictionist, the times would never have published him.)

The whole point of fake president/real gangster Joe Biden’s (i.e., whoever’s pulling Biden’s strings, e.g., the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama”) elimination of the southern border (and Matthew Yglesias’ goal of jamming 1,000,000,000 people into the country) has been to reduce White Americans to a minority in their own country, enslave them and, ultimately, holocaust them.

The census bureau has for some time made it as difficult as possible to determine the numbers of non-hispanic Whites.

It now claims that there are 204,277,273 Whites, including both hispanics and non-hispanics.

The official number of non-hispanic Whites is 192,153,076.

In other words, non-hispanic Whites now constitute a minority in the U.S.


Anonymous said...

And as I posted recently,the number of Whites under 5 years old is less than the black/Mex combo of kids.


Anonymous said...

This is appropriate here also:
In White America,we used to note the first child born in a new year in a city.Today,in black cities in America,they note the first person murdered in the new year.

Which America do you prefer?


Anonymous said...

Based upon my travels around the USA, the last 10 years, the United States already has a non-white majority. That is what I have observed. There is no place in this country where you can go anymore. Where are you? Do not see accumulations in numbers of non-white people I’m afraid of the statistics we are told her not quite right perhaps quite wrong. I remember that one man from University of Chicago many years ago said 2035 of the year when we will be coming on white country is already is probably become so it is only going to

Anonymous said...

It is not so much that why do you will become a minority USA has what blacks always say about when they become the majority. Hey why did you wait and see what’s going to happen, then in the express themselves in that manner as it being a threat, which, indeed it is.