Sunday, February 14, 2021

Laura Loomer: Gina Carano is Right to Compare Cancel Culture to a Holocaust Precursor

By R.C.
Sun, Feb 14, 2021 10:29 a.m.

Laura Loomer: Gina Carano is Right to Compare Cancel Culture to a Holocaust Precursor — RT Op-Ed

I've been calling the planned result the White Genocide Project, but am open to Holocaust II.



Anonymous said...

"Soylent White" is my choice.


Anonymous said...

During the--sometime in the near future--local "investigatory meetings",where the liberals try to ascertain your loyalties,in order to determine your next place of residence(house,prison or cemetary),may go something like this:

"Have you or have you not ever worn a MAGA hat?"

"Did you vote Republican in either 2016 or 2020--we have your records."

"Have you spoken or written anything that criticizes blm--we have your records."

"Are you opposed to being at this hearing?"

"Do you disagree with what our news programs report?"Do you consider the news--propaganda?"

"Have you ever called the police on a non-White person?"

"Have you participated in White flight?Why did you move from your previous house 8 years ago?"

"Do you deny that Whites are the root of all evil?"

"Whom do you consider 'communist'--antifa,blm or yourself?"

"What should be done with communists--those who oppose blm and antifa?"

"Do you pray to George Floyd?"

"Do you pray to Barack Obama?"

"Do you prefer incarceration or execution?"

"Thank you GRA,you will be transported back to the holding area while the committee votes?"

"Oh,one more question:Have you signed an organ donor card in the last 5 years?"


Anonymous said...

They don't want whitey dead. Yet.

Anonymous said...

"They don't want the white dead yet"

But they would like to see it happen.