Thursday, February 11, 2021

Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered from COVID-19, but Died after Vaccine, Raise Questions

-----Original Message-----
From: The Epoch Times <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 10, 2021 8:48 p.m.

Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered from COVID-19, but Died After Vaccine, Raise Questions



Anonymous said...

Questions--yes,there are questions concerning the vaccine:

"Do I feel lucky,punk?"

"Is what we have here a failure to communicate?"

"Vaccines--an accident?Or did he(Fauci) do it to us on PURPOSE?"

"Do you think that's funny--do I amuse you?"

"What are you doing the rest of your life?"
(Trying to recover from the vaccine.)

"What's up,doc?"

Just a few questions off the top of my head.
One I WON'T ask is,"Can I have some more?"


Anonymous said...

I went to do the weekly shopping today and the store I go to is dishing out vaccines to the over 75 seniors in their pharmacy area.

There was a separate spot 30 feet away,with small chairs set up and people had clipboards in their hands--but it looked like they were playing bingo.

That group was actually waiting for the mandatory half hour,post vaccine time to go by,to see if they got sick,dropped dead or turned into a maniac.Many very unhealthy,hunched over people dragging themselves in to be injected--many with help from others.

But to me,it looked like a bingo game had broken out.
C 19
C 19

(for Covid 19)


We have a bingo.


Anonymous said...

What scares me is what will happen to the millions getting the experimental biologic agent wrongly termed a "vaccine." Will they suffer lifelong autoimmune diseases????
And it is all unnecessary. With prophylaxis with hydroxycholoquine or ivermectin, people would not be getting sick and the pandemic would die out. Or with EARLY TREATMENT--instead of Fauci having people wait until they can't breathe and then subjecting them to hospital treatment--people could be cured in their own homes before getting very sick. We are witnessing the two greatest crimes in American history--the pandemic being allowed to spread when these drugs would quickly stop it, and the stealing of the election to install fascist socialists.