Thursday, February 18, 2021

Classical Music is "Segregationist," Complains AA black Composer

By "W"
Thu, Feb 18, 2021 6:44 a.m.

Classical Music is "Segregationist," Complains AA black Composer

"W": There is so much BS being piled higher and deeper.... Undoubtedly, some white a**-bleeps have been paying for this "diversity."

I scanned the comments (44, as of now), a number of which are on target.



Anonymous said...

Classical music is chock full of Asians--no one is keeping them out. If blacks worked hard to learn music, there is no doubt people would bend over backwards to accommodate them. Blacks whine because things aren't given to them just for being black.

Anonymous said...

Everything is segregated but our damn neighborhoods.


Anonymous said...

Hope classical music retains the segregationist way. Why not?