Saturday, February 20, 2021

An Anticipatory Eulogy for Berkeley, under AFFH

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, February 19, 2021 at 12:53:00 A.M. EST

There’s no better way to “reinvigorate” a neighborhood than by allowing multiple families of negroes to fill up a big house, in a nice, peaceful, White area. Then another and another. Quickly, you have achieved your goal: No more middle or upper-class Whiteys living on those streets.

THEN what? Then you hear this:

“These murders must STOP!”

“Why has the crime rate gone up in Berkeley ?”

“We need a black police chief to fix the problem—and a black mayor.”

“We have decided to settle out of court with Dipshitious Jones’ family to the amount of $50 million.”

“The windows of our businesses, downtown, will remain boarded up until further notice.”

“Our previous police chief, Michael Darnielski, said he could not take a knee for blm—which I demanded he do—therefore, he was replaced by...”

“Tax receipts have fallen over 70% in the last year, and no one seems to know why.”

Berkeley is well on its way.



Mark Pino On Drums said...

As you drive off of the University Ave. exit from I-80, you'll see all that you need to see in terms of the city's, and California's, future.

Anonymous said...

Hope the whole place goes under tomorrow. The university along with it.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Berkeley's future is here and now in my parents retirement neighborhood. A couple decades ago they moved to the burbs and built their dream house in a white neighborhood and all white street. There are about 25 homes on the street and in 20 yrs. is now about 1/3/ non white or recent migrant. There's an Ethiopian family, Indian family, 2 Mex families, an American negro family right next door and a couple of East Asian, uncertain of nationality, families also. Plus a couple of Eastern European families, one that appears to be Gypsy. One thing that jumps out at me is that there were only a few kids over the years among the white families but most of the foreigners have lots of kids.
The negro couple next door are older couple an not so bad, though they put out a BLM sign, and have several adult sons, all of whom have white ex girlfriends with multiple mulatto children that visit grandpa and grandma regularly but never with a father in sight. The "fathers" all have new white girlfriends (or should I say suckers) who sometimes accompany them when they visit mom and dad. The Ethiopians have a huge family, I think around 7 or 8 kids who are noisy, obnoxious and quickly learning how to behave like an American negro (racist and violent). Recently they seem to have discovered how to call themselves the n word, loudly and rudely in earshot of the white people in the neighborhood. The East Asian kids (so many I can't keep track of them) are getting old enough to be teenage hoodlums and have discovered the joys playing loud music that can be heard from blocks always and I suspect they are responsible for the rash of late night car prowling that's been going on. The only tolerable ones are the Indian kids, 3 or 4 boys, maybe one girl, who seem kind of geeky and stay in a lot, likely because the other kids will bully them. The Mex and East. Europeans deal in cars and always have lots of vehicles in various states of disrepair around making a street that used to be pristine look like a junkyard.

This is just the beginning I think, I can only imagine how much worse it will get under Biden and have tried to explain to my parents how immigration policies have ruined their dream home neighborhood. They just can't wrap their mind around it, they think the TV news and front page stories in the newspaper are gospel truth and that real talk about migrants is "racist". What they see with their own eyes changes nothing. Frustrating, but that's the power of the media for you.