Thursday, February 04, 2021

A Racist Atrocity Inspires Grand Rapids Anonymous to Write a Song, but He’s Much Better than Bob Dylan!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 4:04:00 AM EST

(Instead of decrying racist atrocities, Dylan supported them, and helped spring racist, mass murder Rubin “Hurricane” Carter with one of his ditties.)

Antoine Watson was arrested along with a female, Maylasia Goo—he had an accomplice!

So it’s time for a song:
(Sung to “Me and You and a Dog Named Boo.”)

I remember reading just yesterday,
The horror out of San Francisco Bay,
Another blackie murder was happening all over again,

This time, a negro and his Asian chick,
Pushed down a senior—his head hit a brick,
They turned around to run away,
The law was after them.

Dumb**s nig and a girl named Goo,
Doin’ s**t that no one understands,
Dumb**s nig and a girl named Goo,
—shouldn’t have hooked up with—a black man.

Now I can still recall,
When they were captured in a downtown mall,
And the evening they got caught,
The real good feeling I had.

He plead “not guilty”—as all blackies do,
It didn't matter—he hadn’t a clue,
A week or so in Federal court—and off to prison for ten.

Dumb**s nig and a girl named Goo,
Doing s**t that no one understands,

Dumb**s nig—she testified against you,
Now you’ll no longer be—a free man.

(Repeat chorus)



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