Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Pulitzer Prize Bumper Stickers

By Coram Justice
Zero Hedge

You can print the following bumper stickers as fast as Pulitzer Certificates are printed:

You can buy whole sheet label paper and cut them out.

You can stick them on the back of 18-wheeler cargo boxes.

Is that true, or did you hear it on CNN?

High school students can award themselves Pulitzer Prizes!

Pulitzer Prizes are discounted on Fridays.

Getting a Pulitzer Prize is like buying a pot medal repro of a Medal of Honor.

Pulitzer prizes are exchanged for bribes.

A soccer medal has more value than a Pulitzer Prize.

Pride is a Sunday School "Perfect Attendance" medal, not a Pulitzer Prize.

Now you can buy a Pulitzer Prize to compliment your fake Ph.D. for your den.

Pulitzer Certificates can be had for a dime baggie of heroin.

North Korea bought the Rights to the Pulitzer Prize.

Pulitzer Prizes are worth as much as a fish head covered in ants.  

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