Friday, October 09, 2020

On the Peculiar Character of American "Racism"

By An Old Friend
Fri, Oct 9, 2020 6:03 p.m.

David Azerrad: "On the Peculiar Character of American 'Racism'"

Azerrad, ex of Heritage Foundation and now at Hillsdale's campus in Sodom-on-the-Potomac, is one of the shrewdest, most insightful analysts out there.  Later I'll circulate an excerpt from something else recent by him.

N.S.: Corrected for capitalization.

By David Azerrad


Anonymous said...

Racism between the races.
How do Whites react to blacks bringing their crappy selves into a White neighborhood?
They move--not racist--extremely smart.
How do blacks react to a White walking down a black occupied street,in that rare occasion it occurs?
They move also--to assault,rob or murder the misguided,trusting White--very racist.

True story:
How do blacks react to a murder,committed by a black,against either black or White?
They shut their pieholes and don't assist police.
How do blacks react to a murder by a White that they are aware of?
They run faster than Usain Bolt to the cops and report everything they can to catch the rare White murderer.
This happened in Grand Rapids,two years ago in December, a White guy on drugs,went nuts and killed a White female friend.blackie went on TV,told the cops--the works,who it was--very racist.
Whites are well known for turning over to the police info about White crime--not racist.


Anonymous said...

"The disparities between Asians and whites, between Indians and whites, and between Nigerian immigrants and whites "

Three richest groups in the USA non-white. Japanese-Americans. Indian-Americans. Chinese-Americans.