Friday, October 09, 2020

Breaking News Alert: Whitey Ford Dead at 91

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 9, 2020 12:09 p.m.
Breaking: Whitey Ford Dead at 91

Breaking: Whitey Ford dead at 91
Yankees legendary pitcher Whitey Ford died on Friday at the age of 91, the team announced.
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OCT 09, 2020





Anonymous said...

I haven't looked this up,but didn't Mantle and Ford have some wild drinking escapades in the day?Whitey's liver must have been built better than the Micks.

Nicholas said...


Either the Mick was a heavier drinker than Ford, or he couldn't hold his liquor. Twenty-five or 30 years ago, someone came out with a book about Mantle or the Yankees during those days, and I recall one incident where the Yanks were at a club, and someone found Mantle passed out on his face in the men's room.

I never heard stories like that about Ford. Oh, sure, Whitey partied (and maybe brawled some), but not to the point of unconsciousness.

I also don't believe Mantle's claim, after doctors let him jump the waiting list to get a new liver, to have quit drinking. Going on the wagon would have been completely out of character for him. He wore out that new liver in record time.