Friday, October 09, 2020

BREAKING News Alert: Joe Biden is the Subject of Federal Criminal Investigation into His Role in Spygate and Activities in Ukraine

By R.C.
Fri, Oct 9, 2020 10:18 p.m.

BREAKING: Joe Biden is the Subject of Federal Criminal Investigation into His Role in Spygate and Activities in Ukraine



Anonymous said...

A little late to start tossing"Hail Marys"--when you're losing 44-0.
(As always,hope I'm wrong.)

Anonymous said...

Don't count Trump out. Remember all the polls and pronouncements that Hillary was favored to win by 90+ %? The polls heavily over sample Democrats, and many Trump supporters are afraid to admit they are Trump supporters for fear of reprisals. Evidence that Trump will win includes the recent poll finding that 56% of people say they are better off now than 4 years ago--the highest number ever so close to an election. And a method of prediction based on primary victories which is almost always correct (and was correct in 2016 when everyone said Hillary was a slam dunk) shows a Trump landslide. Then look at the Republican new registrations exceeding Democrat registrations. Look at the fact that most of the attendees at Trump rallies are NOT Republicans--they are Democrats and independents--many of whom did not vote for Trump last time. Yes, I am fearful because there so many stupid people out there--after all--they did elect Hussein Obama twice. But it is hard to believe they will really pull the lever for a senile old man and a raging communist.

Anonymous said...

And if the man is elected,afterwards he will be impeached??