Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Blacks are Not Stopped Frequently Enough by Police

By R.C.
Wed, Oct 7, 2020 6:46 p.m.

Report: Black People Stopped, Arrested Three Times More than Whites, Latinos

A report released Wednesday by the University of Southern California found that people of color [Asians, too? That's a lie.] across all Los Angeles County neighborhoods were stopped by police at higher rates than other groups, and that black people were stopped and arrested three times as often as whites and Latinos.

[Since blacks commit crime about ten times as frequently as Whites, that means that the police need to stop them about three times more often than they are presently stopping them.]

R.C.: More disparate impact.

If it is “disparate,” then is prima facie evidence of “racial discrimination.”



Anonymous said...

Jerry pdx
Blacks commit around 50% of murders and are arrested for violent crimes at 2 to 3 times the rate of whites. Around 50% of people on death row are black which puts them right in line with where they should be, but you never hear a peep about proportional statistics when it comes to race and crime.

Anonymous said...

"blacks commit crime about ten times as frequently as Whites"

Not only commit more crimes but crimes of a more egregious nature.

Anonymous said...

Logic and black crime don't go together."Cures" are also pointless.

Anonymous said...

Someone should gather info on what percentage of blacks stopped in their cars,have warrants out and get arrested just for that alone.

Anonymous said...

( “peaceful protesters” who Michelle Obama was talking about were at it again tonight(Wednesday evening) in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

The riots have been continuing elsewhere, while we’ve been covering the debates and the president getting ill. They haven’t stopped.

But they got another “spark” off today. Not that they really need any more because, truthfully, facts don’t matter to these rioters. On Wednesday, we found out that an officer would not face charges in the death of 17-year-old Alvin Cole because there was sufficient evidence to believe that the Wauwatosa officer, who was also black, Joseph Mensah, was acting in self-defense.

That kicked them off. As Julio Rosas reported for Townhall, a group then went on a smashing rampage throughout the town.

First, they smashed up the windows of businesses including Kumon Learning. Because apparently helping kids to learn is offensive to the BLM.

But then they went on from smashing the windows of storefront businesses onto smashing the windows of private homes.

This guy tells them to get off his property. But he tells them they’re targeting the wrong people, that most of the people on that particular block are probably supportive of the BLM.

This guy is under the mistaken impression that they even care, when they’ve shown they don’t. And if he still supports them after this, he’s a fool. Hopefully, this opened his eyes but I wouldn’t count on it.

They were upping it to attacks on private homes. Where are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris condemning this by name, condemning BLM/Antifa? Biden has even denied Antifa exists. Michelle Obama has said only a tiny fraction of the protests are violent. They need to answer in every debate why are they defending this? They need to explain to those business owners and the private homeowners why they were being terrorized and why Democrats think it’s nothing.