Thursday, October 08, 2020

A Perceptive Article by David Cole on Race and Crime

By David in TN
Thu, Oct 8, 2020 3:24 p.m.

A Perceptive Article by David Cole

Our friend David Cole had another on-target piece on October 6 at Cole details how Ron Unz is wrong in thinking what seems to work in LA County does not in the rest of the country. Cole gives some insight on the crime issue:

“The Eastside and Southside areas, now overwhelmingly Latino, still have crime issues, but it’s a different kind of crime than black crime. There are gangs, sure. And they do gangy-type stuff in their own neighborhoods. But apart from that, Mexicans tend to favor white-boy crimes. Drunk driving (man, do they LOVE drunk driving), petty theft, car theft, diddling the kin. I mean, it’s not great, but it’s not the kind of hate-based vicious stranger-violence you get from blacks. It’s not the ‘fender bender leads to a driver gunning down a white dad and his daughter’ kind of violence. It's not “steal the money, then execute the white mom just for kicks' violence.”

Cole tells how blacks are being phased out of LA and “no one is mourning their exodus.” And, “Yet blacks have avoided introspection regarding WHY they’re unloved by blaming everything on ‘white supremacy.’”

And, “The L.A. example is important, because it lays bare that it ain’t just whites. As Shaun King’s rebooted North Star was forced to admit following the Kizzee killing, ‘Police brutality does not end with White police officers and black civilians, in some areas of the county, like Compton, black civilians, even the black mayor, are profiled and attacked by non-white police officers. What is it about being black that turns non-black folx [sic] so sour?”

“King’s hack squad intended that question to be rhetorical, but blacks need to start asking it in earnest.”

There is much more in Cole’s article.

N.S.: In liberal Lou Cannon’s monumental work on the 1992 L.A. riots, Official Negligence, Cannon hints at how many Whites may have developed positive feelings towards Hispanics, while losing sympathy towards blacks. black thugs were torching buildings out of pure evil, and when White firemen came to save the buildings, the black arsonists (who had apparently hung around for just this reason) held the firemen at gunpoint, just to see the buildings burn down to the ground.

In some cases, armed Hispanic gangbangers showed up, knocked the black gang-bangers out of commission, and let the firemen do their job.



Anonymous said...

Which,of course,we won't see on NNN.What we DO get to view are stories(literally)being aired that have focused on President Trump influencing people into not wearing masks--and dying--because of it(his fault).

Holt:"A senior citizen listened to Trump--it cost him his life."
(Man's granddaughter talking)

"My grandfather saw the President not wearing a facemask and decided not to also--because the President's our leader--and now my grandfather is dead."

MY militia,if I had one,would go right to 30 Rock.

Anonymous said...

Gonna be rioting.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Yelp now has a feature in which any business accused of being racist if "flagged" as racist by Yelp. Yes, just an accusation is enough:
I have to wonder though, if I level the accusation against the SPLC or the NAACP will it stick?