Friday, October 09, 2020

At reconquista Museum, 2020 Día de Muertos Exhibit Honors COVID Deaths in Hispanic Community

By A Texas Reader
Fri, Oct 9, 2020 4:39 p.m.

2020 Día de Muertos Exhibit Honors COVID Deaths in Latino Community

The annual exhibit is up already and it honors members of the Hispanic community who’ve died due to COVID-19.

“Those are the kind of art, artist and role models I had as a child because I grew up in a little town, Cuero, Texas, about 90 miles from here and we didn't have a car, we had two channels on the TV and so I had never been to an art museum until I went to college,” Orozco, the University of Texas graduate says.

ATR: So, there are racial differences?

Yes or no?

And she graduated UT Austin?

Affirmative action at its worst.

She is completely unassimilated.



Anonymous said...

How about a latino museum for all the spicanos who died from alcoholism,drugs,gun violence,drag racing cars at 110 mph down a regular street,gang shootings,heart attacks and taco overdoses?A Mex father shooting his relative for having sex with his 10 year old daughter.
Let's do it right if money is going to be wasted on a Coronavirus Museum for Mex.
Include everything.

Anonymous said...

"How about a latino museum for all the spicanos "

Mexican slavery of Africans too. As many African slaves sent to Mexico as were send to the American colonies.