Saturday, September 12, 2020

Woke NFL's Ratings Plummet, Yet Again!

By "W"
Fri, Sep 11, 2020 7:43 p.m.

NFL Ratings Plummet

"W": Glad to see this


Anonymous said...

To woke networks like ESPN,NBC and CBS,ratings are meaningless,revenue is meaningless--they're all sucking from the Amazon/Microsoft teet--which are both as woke as you can be without drinking 1,000 cups of coffee in a day.Anyone on board with their agenda(as I posted)gets an "investment" from
these or other tech companies to keep the propaganda flowing.Football is now a vehicle for leftist propaganda,just as NNN,late night talk shows and your local news have previously been transformed into brainwashing devices.
And the networks don't care if ratings sink--they're covered for losses by people with bigger pockets than a 10,000 foot tall man would have.

Anonymous said...

Much more drop in ratings I hope. A lot of revenue gone. Hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts. Al Sharpton would approve.

Anonymous said...

As I said,I was going to watch the Lions/Bears game on FOX.I saw a little of the pre-game,which pushed blm's agenda;obese black Curt Menafee lecturing Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long,along with other Whites during the two minutes I ingested.Then they went to Alicia Keys singing a pretty horrible song,"Lift Every Voice",a dreadful melody at best.
Lots of phrases plastered on the screen aimed at Whites."Stop Hate","End Racism" etc.
What they SHOULD have instead,are phrases for blacks:
"Obey the law","Stop shooting for no reason","Don't resist arrest","Pay your child support","Quit dealing drugs","Get a job".
FOX put it all on Whitey though.
This was just the pre-game show.