Sunday, September 20, 2020

"I have used blackness when it was not mine": ANOTHER White blm Activist Admits to FAKING being black

By R.C.
Sat, Sep 19, 2020 11:21 p.m.

"‘I have used blackness when it was not mine’: ANOTHER White blm Activist Admits to FAKING being black" RT USA News

R.C.: Shows you what a scam affirmative action really is.

Everybody wants in on the gravy train of racial profiling, also known as affirmative action.

Have sinecure, a sweet pay check, and never, ever worry about being fired.

And lecture others about their imperfections and sins.


Anonymous said...

What's "blackness"?How would a blm activist--who is White--act black?I thought there's no difference between the races?Lol.

Anonymous said...

As I mentioned a couple days ago,the city of Grand Rapids proposed changing a portion of a main thoroughfare from Monroe Ave. to Brianna Taylor Way.I assumed this would become a fad among the libs and commie mayors and sure enough,Minneapolis will have a portion of a major street(Chicago)changed to George Perry Floyd
That didn't take long.But it won't be the last street name changed to reward negro criminals with semi-immortality.