Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Nicholas Stix Even Got the Impossible, Brilliant, Larry Auster to Praise Him! Please Support WEJB/NSU

[“Remembering Lawrence Auster, after a Year.”]

Back on March 20, 2009, in “Meet Two More Monsters: Robert Williams and Anthony Kirkland,” I wrote:

Larry Auster calls modern liberal society “a factory for producing young female murder victims.” I believe Auster was referring to white female murder victims, or at least, I would make that qualification….

Lawrence Auster said...
Nicholas Stix wrote:

“Larry Auster calls modern liberal society ‘a factory for producing young female murder victims.’ I believe Auster was referring to white female murder victims, or at least, I would make that qualification.”

Yes, thank you. Of course you’re right that I was thinking primarily of white femaless. [sic]

It occurs to me that one could construct an entire paradigm of modern society around this idea, by looking at all the components in the production process.
Monday, March 23, 2009 at 8:35:00 P.M. EDT
To Larry Auster:

Thanks for the clarification.

This is yet another of the many blessings of the civil rights movement.

I was initially inclined to ascribe much of the blame to feminism, before recalling that feminism is merely one of Martin’s many bastards.

With that said, the feminist angle works, I believe in the following way:

(White) feminists see themselves as having some sort of pact with blacks, whereby the feminists wage war on white, heterosexual males of all ages, and unquestioningly defend black racists, in exchange for the latter’s support.

Unfortunately, black racists laugh at the feminists, whom they occasionally throw a bone, but more often publicly betray and humiliate (see Central Park Jogger Case, OJ verdict, etc.).

This is analogous to the situation in which a “liberal” finds herself being mugged by a black man. She thinks that there is some sort of unwritten agreement, whereby not resisting “obliges” the mugger not to harm her. But his thought pattern is: ‘You not resisting, because you my slave. And because you my slave, I can and will do anything I want with you—rape you, beat you, torture you, kill you, and then throw you away.’

Cowardice is a big part of the feminist mentality (feminist morality?): Feminists are so vicious towards white, heterosexual men, not in response to the “patriarchal oppression” for which they vilify the men, but because the men are guilty of nothing of the sort. Meanwhile, feminists are so pleasant and polite towards menacing-looking black males, not because they see them as “the oppressed,” but rather because they are frightened to death of them. If there is one group that can be identified as oppressing white females more than any other (with the possible exception of feminist leaders), it is black males.

As I look back on the Preserving Western Civilization conference, and consider as well VDARE and American Renaissance, feminism is the problem that has been either ignored or barely touched upon. Perhaps dealing with it would overload a lot of people’s circuits, but as a matter of history and political science, it simply cannot be ignored.

Communism has triumphed in America through two main avenues: The civil rights movement and feminism. I’ll have more to say on this at a later date.

A friend recently sent me the short book Karla Marx, which critiques feminism. A quick browse looks promising. The author isn’t much of a threat to my old logic teacher, Michael Levin (but don’t hold that against him), whose tome Feminism and Freedom is the most thorough intellectual carpet bombing of that movement I’ve yet to see, but he’s gleaned some valuable criticisms from the literature.

BTW, the trial in the Jennifer Moore case is expected to take place “in late spring or early fall”; with the criminal justice system, it’s always best to bet on later, rather than sooner.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 12:06:00 A.M. EDT

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I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Anonymous said...

" feminists are so pleasant and polite towards menacing-looking black males, not because they see them as 'the oppressed,' but rather because they are frightened to death of them."

Raped at the least. Murdered if they resist and do not comply. And no cops called either.

Anonymous said...

"sentenced on Thursday to 422 years in prison. Under New York State law, Williams will be eligible for parole after 50 serving years."

Negro rapist. How is he sentenced to so many years and then eligible for parole after serving fifty years? How is he even eligible for parole in the first place?