Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sultan Knish: Stop Medieval Diseases with a Medieval Wall

By "W"
Wed, Feb 13, 2019 11:19 a.m.

Sultan Knish: Stop Medieval Diseases With a Medieval Wall


Anonymous said...

If not a wall then a double fence high with razor wire in between, layers and layers of it. An anti tank ditch on the Mex side of the fence with a trench under the razor wire filled with rubber tires, broken glass, chunks of concrete.

Anonymous said...

The comment writer is correct. Razor wire is the key. The pretty prototypes the government displayed can all be crossed with the right equipment because they all lacked razor wire. Put lots of razor wire on the US side of the barrier too--and on the ground. Although fences and walls can be climbed with ladders and grappling hooks (even the ones with the big round tops--just need large hooks), what do you do if you reach the top and need to get down the other side if it is layered with lots and lots of razor wire?
One of the few places where razor wire is used is San Diego. There a border jumper was stuck in razor wire so thoroughly that the fire department had to get him out. These photos of illegals sitting on top of the fence would not happen if they were covered with lots of razor wire.